Underway and early in the morning…

Well lets see here…we are still underwa…I can hear the ships whistle going off, so that means there is fog out there…most likely really thick too…!  So maybe coming in at 1300 won’t be a bad thing…just a long day again.  I didn’t want to wake up when I did this morning, but I had to.  And not the way I wanted to wake up either…I’ll just leave it at that.  Never the less I am alright here.  I am going to be staying behind when the ship leaves of three weeks.  I am going to go TAD to a place on base…I have two court dates, and well the one on the 30th is a really important one.  That is the 12th month review of the case.  It most likely will go on for another 6 months from there…because right now there isn’t anything anyone can do with the kids but leave them where they are.  And I’m screwed until October of 2005.  I believe I have said that one before…And to know that there is going to be 4 kids in that house just makes it even worse on me.  If I could, I would go in right now and take my kids out of there…they don’t need to be around a baby baby.  Yet it’s being talked about, and Brooke is looking forward to having another brother.  So thank you so very much to “her” and the state of Califorina for fucking up even more things in other peoples’ lives.  I couldn’t afford a nanny back when I needed one, and well I’m not going to be able to do that now either.  I could if I were to buy a house out here in San Diego, but your out of your damn mind.  A mogage payment wouldn’t be any more than rent…less in some cases…but still I am not going to get a house out here.  I will figure something out.  Or I will just be without my kids until I leave the Navy.  Not like I am going to get them when I get out either…If I don’t get them at the end of the case, when it’s closed out, then I am sure I won’t get them ever.  The only other option I have is to have that mother in law help me with the kids.  But she will be busy with that new one…so who knows what will happen in my life.  As long as I have the kids as my dependants though, and get custody of them…then things will work out.  Somehow…someway.  And be damned will I pay her child support…!  She can’t even take care of herself…let alone 4 kids now.  What would she do with 4 kids…?  She would be 100% clueless…that’s what.  And to think, she had the nerve to call me the other night to ask me a question.  I would so get my cell phone number changed…just to keep from hearing from her.  But that would be a pain in the ass because I would have to tell everyone that needs my cell phone, what the new number is.  And in some way, I have a feeling she would go…”Ha,ha…look what I made him do.”  I just don’t know anymore…

It is 30 minutes until I can get some breakfast…I’m hungry.  I smell the bacon, and well yeah, supper was good last night, but it wasn’t enough.  I could have stayed up and had some mid-rats, but I was going to do my best to get a full night of sleep since I have the 07-12 watch this morning.  Of course I was up at 0410…not what I was wanting, but that’s life.  The lights are still out in the head…so it was pointless to even try to shave.  I just did what I needed to do, and got dressed.  I shaved yesterday morning…I’ll be fine for today.  At least for the watch I will be.  When 1500 comes around it’s not going to matter.  I’ll still be trying to get the hell out of here by that time.  The guy that works with me will be leaving as soon as we are in.  He has to go get some stickers on his truck replaced at pass and decal.  Someone wanted his stuff more then his truck needed it I guess…it takes some time to get those stickers off too…and well you have to it so carefully or you will rip them.  Then it’s not going to be good…or looked at a bit more when you come on base.  At least it should be…but it’s not all the time.  I get pulled over for not stopping at a stop sign on base…while I am leaving, but people are able to come on base with messed up stickers all the time.  Go figure that one out…!  The guy that stopped me, he was just doing his job though…that’s all.  I know that.  And well it’s not his fault that I didn’t have my insurance or other needed information in my car.  I was just lazy and had not gotten it yet, that’s all.  Of course it was cool that I went to DMV to get what I needed because I asked about my Title…well it cost me 15 dollars either way, but when I asked for a new title, I get a new regastration (sp) too…so I got two for the price of one.  Not like that is a low price though.  It was 7 dollars, but there has been some things that were changed, and when that happened, DMV was losing a lot of money.  So prices were raised else where to make up for that lost funds that were coming in.  The big thing that was taken away in California, there was a tripple car tax…yes, you read that right…TRIPPLE car tax on cars being sold.  That was removed, and that is where DMV lost a lot of money.  So they raised prices on everything else you get from DMV…another reason why I hate this state…!

Time to go get in line for breakfast…will write more laters…

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Divorce is all around painful. Sorry it is so bad and you are experiencing it at such a young age.