Hello again…

Well for those of you that haven’t been to my “front” page in a while, there is now something different there.  Thank you to the person that set up the link, and told me what to do to make it work.  I now have music on my front page.  You want to know what it is…just go take a listen…let me know what you think.  I most likely will get the page again from my friend and see if I can do this on my own.  I have the template for the link…I think it’s just a matter of changing the name of the song…should the site that I was sent have it.  I was suprised with all the songs that were on that site.  I guess what I could do is get the link to that site, and post it here.  Really, that is a good idea…thanks for thinking that up Rick…!  Hey, no problem…someone has to think for us.  And just what does that mean…?  Ah…no a thing Rick…not a thing at all.  Just go back to doing what you were doing, and worry not about it.  Oh, now your trying to make fun of me…  Why would I do something like that…?  Because your mean like that.  I’m not mean…  Yes you are, and well I’m not going to play your game right now.  I haven’t had my coffee, and I’m just going to ignore you.  Ah, but you can’t ignore me…  Yes I can ignore you, and that is just what I am going to do.  But you can’t…I’m not able to be ingored…you hear me…?  You can’t do that.  I know you hear me…you can’t ignore me…  Ah…Rick…?  Hello…?  Ah…Where are you…?  I know you want to talk to me.  Come on…don’t do this.  Come talk to me…I won’t pick an argument with you…I promise.  I’m gonna cry…come on back…

Anyway…where was I…?  Well I now have a cat…don’t tell the manager of the complex because there is suppose to be a pet deposit, but I think I have put enough down to move into this place.  600 dollars isn’t small change to move into a place.  Not when rent it 875 a month.  I wanted a kitten, but it’s not time for kittens…and well there was a two year old that I saw that was pretty, but this girl that chose me…she is wonderful.  The information that was by her “box” said she was 7 years old…but the vet put her at 4 to 5 years old.  Hey, it doesn’t matter, she only cost me 35 dollars, so I really don’t care how old she is.  I thought that we were going to have some troubles once I got her home, but she is just fine now.  When I got home, I got her out of the box that I was given to move her in.  She went right into my book case behind my potateos to hide.  Well I had to throw the potateos out, so that gave me a good enough reason to do that.  Well with those gone, she was…”Now where do I go…?”  I picked her up and took her to the bathroom and showed her, her litter box with litter and food and water.  It’s always best to put a cat in the litter box…that way they know where it is is.  So I did that…put her in it, and well I left her alone.  She walked around the bathroom for a minute or two, and got herself into a ball under the lip of the counter for the sink…there she sat.  I got her about 30 minutes later…picked her up, and I came back out here to my main room.  I layed down, and put the blankets over us.  She went right to my knees and curled up…and seemed good where she was.  I played with her for a while…she purred, and had some fun.  So things are going to be fine between us…Right now she is sleeping under my blanket.  She was up all night…I know this because she kept checking on me.  I would feel her walk over me, or whatever it was she was doing.  I’m not sure what I am going to do when I go to work tomorrow.  I am thinking about putting her in the bathroom, but I don’t know right now.  She was eatting…and used the litter box last night.  Heard that, so that is why I know she did what she did.  She is a quiet girl too.  I wanted to name her Mallory…but we will wait and see what happens.  Her name is/was Jewel…but we’ll see.  Not that I have a problem with that name…but that may just be what the shelter gave her as a name.  I don’t know…I do know that I need to clean this place up.  Anyone care to come help me…?  I’d be willing to pay you..somehow…someway.  Get your mind out of the gutter people…gessshhhh…!

Well I will post more soon enough.  Give you updates on my cat, and myself…and my life.  Just on a side note, things are going well for me.  I am very happy, very worry free, and well…it’s good to just know that I am in more controll of my life now than I use to ever be.  It’s so all good right now…!  More to come…

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yea it is just changein the link in the code. hehe but i thought i would save you the trouble and do it for you cuz…yea it was easier

hmmm nice song I have always liked that song…kinda cool to hear it when visitng a friend….