Sunday Morning…

Well let me try this again…I had been working on an entry, then my computer wanted to “act” up and another page opened up to FOD…I closed it, and it turned out to be the page I was writing my entry on…!  So my dream I had that I talked about is gone…and what I was talking about with my Ford.  So I will have to work it up again…or not.  What do you think…?  I have been up since 0500…I forgot to turn the alarm clocks off on my cell phone.  I have one set for 0500, and another one set for 0510.  It is funny though, because I was having a “dream” about someone that I know.  We were putting decorations on a Christmas tree.  Well…as it goes, what she was putting on didn’t go together…so I told her to just put only one kind on…and when I said that, my cell phone lit off.  Once my brain knew it wasn’t my phone it didn’t make things any better…but now I’m up.  I have my coffee at hand…and it’s good stuff.  I recomend for those people that like coffee…try your best to find a brew called “Fog Lifter.”  I have the hole bean stuff, but I believe there is grinders in stores now…for those that wanted ground coffee at home.  Now this stuff costs 5 dollars a pound…just to let you know.  But it’s all worth it…!

Lets see…care to hear about my dream, or my car…?  Neither…either…both…?  Why can’t this be a live vote?  Like it would matter.  It would be “Shut up..!”  That would be the majority of the votes I am sure.

I rented “American Wedding….”  Am watching it now.  Not sure if I like it or not…It’s funny, but I don’t know.  Maybe to much of a good thing.  Tell ya what..I will come back and write more…


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February 22, 2004
February 22, 2004

yes, sleeping it all away would be quite lovely.

February 22, 2004

hey thanks for the note…it made me laugh. Yah im currently trying to get over that guy but its not working to im in a relationship with someone else and then having feelings for other guys…that makes for a not soo good ending! i like your female/male theory! scary though! well nice to know that someone is keeping up with me! thanks again!…