
Well I had duty yesterday…it was a quiet day for me.  I had the 02-07 watch in CSMC…sat there and watched my movie “Lost is Space.”  It has been a long time since I had seen that movie, and well I think it’s still a good one to watch.  To bad there wasn’t more of them…but  guess it didn’t take like they thought it might have.  Never the less, I have it, and will be glad to say I have it.  So there…I left the ship at around 0740…I guess that is when it was.  Went to my car and came home.  I then set my lap top back up, and cooked some eggs and toast.  I had six left, and well that is how many I cooked up.  Scrabbled them things up, and then topped it with some cheese.  Toast was a little to toasted but oh well…I forgot to change it, since I have to over toast my english muffins.  Not that you really care to know that.  Right now I am making some hamberger helper…so it’s 1900…what does it matter to me…?  I have been in an on/off mood all day.  I would sleep, did lay down but football is on.  So far it’s been a good day for football.  The Panthers won in double over time…!  Right now New England is ahead 14 to 7.  We’ll see on this game.  Would be nice if New England did win, and then Green Bay won tomorrow.  That would put Green Bay in Foxbowl next week…!  Not that I worry about New England playing in the Eagles home field…they will make it to the Super Bowl…New England will that is.  Not sure who will make it from the Chiefs/Colts game.  Who ever wins that game will make it to big game too.  Yeap, yeap, yeap…!  I would go put some money down on it, but I don’t gamble.  I have enough troubles keeping my money in my bank or with me.  No reason to go “throw” it away in some gamble. 

Anything else…?  No…not right now.  I’ll come back and write more…maybe.  Laters all…

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RYN: Big Fish was really good, I thought. =)I have never seen Lost in Space, but scrambled eggs are good. I’m not a big fan of football though. =P Take care.

Well GreenBay is doing really good this year,hate to see them lose not a big Chiefs fan went to a game in thier stadium it was pretty fun.Can’t say who I am a big fan of this year,have a team but they were out long ago an underdog team always love the underdog teams…

January 13, 2004

I don’t know anything about football – but, if its good for you 🙂

RYN:Yes it would had you in mind on that one….

January 14, 2004

RYN:THanks..yah i know i will be alot happened and its really hard. Im surviving though…ill get over it, after a while. Thanks again!