Just more stuff about me…!

Name: Rick Nelson

Age: 32

Birthdate: Nov 18, 1971

Zodiac Sign: Scorpio

Location: San Diego, Ca.

Birthplace: Jacksonville, Florida

Nickname: Ass whole, Pack rat…

Screen Name: roguewar69_98 is the one I use the most when it comes to yahoo.

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: Greenish grey most of the time…

Height:  5′ 9″

Weight: 170

Piercings: One hole in my right ear…

Tattoos: Nope

Braces: Didn’t need them…

Freckles: Yeah I have some on my body.

Wavy/Straight/Curly Hair: It has curls to it when it’s able to grow out some.  But I can’t let it grow out due to the Navy…

Hair Length: Short…not past the ears and can’t touch the coller.

Color of Nails: Don’t pain them…

Do you bare down hard when you write: I don’t know…

What is on your keychain: A marvin the Martin figure and my car key.

Hobbies: Not many right now…

Job: I have been in the Navy for 13 1/2 years…

School: Not going to one right now

Car: I have a ’99 Ford wagon, an ’86 Mazda 626 and my Neon is out there, somewhere…that is a ’97…

Have you ever worked for a resturaunt: Nope

Do you have a pencil blister: Nope

Do you have those little white marks under your nails: White marks…?

How many: None…

Do you have long/short nails: I have to keep them short because of my job, plus they like to break should they grow out to much.

What are you wearing right now: A tee-shirt, my cover alls, a pair of socks and my work boots.

What time is it: 12:40 pm

Date: 10 December 2003


color: BLACK…

song: No music going on right now…

number: 69 or 77

movie: Robo Cop…!

actress: Blah

actor: Blah…

singer: Kenny Rogers

group: Far to many to write down…


Car: I don’t have any…

Saying: “Shit bird”

Quote: “I am a man for all seasons I can do it all, and will do it all I will agree to on ones terms except my own I can not be, nor will ever be conquered Not by man, beast or machine.”

Song Lyric: Never mind…

Why Don’t You And I Just get drunk and screw…?

Time of day: Late night…

House: Big house…4 bedrooms…lots of room for me and my kdis.

Subject: I liked them all for the most part.

Teacher:  Had many good ones, so yeah, it would be hard to write them all here.

Clothing Store: Wal Mart…Rick doesn’t shop for clothes much…

Feeling: To much…

Shoe: My work boots…

Jewelry: Just my watch

State: KANSAS…!

Place to Be: With my kids…

Fruit: Many…they are all good…!

Meat: BEEF of course…!

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After you left that very cute *Hit and Run* in my diary, I had to check yours out! Pretty nice dairy. Navy, eh? Go Navy, Beat Army!!!! Yeah..my Dad was in the Navy. Hugs From