Oh my…oh my…oh my…!!!

Okay, just got done doing  The Gender Test   on http://www.thespark.com  And well it thinks I’m a female…!  Trust me, I am anything but one…!  I guess that’s a good thing though, but still it’s to funny.  If you read this, you have to go to that web site and take the tests…they are a blast…!  Got a huge kick out of all of them that I have take so far…More to follow…READ ON DUDE…!


      How do we know? Well, deep down, your gender affects everything about you, from your favorite number to your views on Canada. Many women who took the test think and act just like you, as you can see from the clusters above.

Statistically speaking, you are a chick.

      As we said, this test gets smarter with every taker, and it’s almost never wrong. You can make it even better by telling us it was right for you.              

type=radio value=1 correctness> Amazing! I am a woman!
type=radio CHECKED value=0 correctness> You bitches, I am a guy.

type=submit value=”Please be Honest” submit>


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did you take the purity test? I scored 13% what worrys me is that 2% of the test takers are LESS pure than me. I do NOT want to meet those people.

December 9, 2003

lol u’re soo cute.. lol female huh ? well hello SWEETHEART.. LOL LET US GIRLS GO TO THE CLUB AND SHAKE OUR BOOTY.. j/k 😉 i been just dealin with alot and holiday funk got me down..*hugs* so i am kinda just avoiding people..HEY i been wanting to talkt 2 u but on your messanger it keeps saying Mobile at Yahoo. ughh I wanna talk to u online as in chat not mobile 😛