
There is something I really don’t like about three section duty…and that is the fact that your always on duty…!  One duty day, and two days “off” and then duty again…crap that just sucks ass…!  And then some.  And to think I have duty again on Wednesday.  We go into 6 section duty on Tuesday with section 5 of 6 taking the duty…then the next day we come in and take over for section 5.  That will put us on six section rotation for about 10 days I like it is.  The ship will come back from getting rid of ammo and go into the yards.  There is an 18 day period of “stand down” for the holidays, and again we will go back into 3 section duty.  It’s just plain madness I tell you…just madness…!  The only thing I get to look forward to is getting off here in the morning and trying to make some phone calls.  I’ll go over to the Fleet and Family support center to see if I can use the phone there.  I need to call the Highway Patrol, I need to call DMV, and I need to call both my attornyes.  (I spelled that wrong, sorry)  I’m getting jerked around by my case worker, and well I don’t really like it.  So I am going to let someone know that I have problems, questions, and I want to know what the hell is going on.  I have every right to see my kids…that so called thing has seen them twice…!  I was suppose to see them tomorrow, but that isn’t going to happen now.  I know someone that does foster care and well she told me that this isn’t right…the case worker can’t just keep me from seeing my kids because she (the case worker, or the mother in law) has problems with me.  I am more than sure that it is the mother in law that is making the stink about me seeing the kids.  But I can’t just come out and accusse her (the mother in law) of being the block in the road that is keeping me from seeing my kids.  Hell I have been sending them money, I have been letting them use my car even if they don’t want to use it that much.  I guess there is still something wrong with the left front tire…need to get that looked at too, and fixed if possible.  My mood is very foul right now, and this back of mine isn’t making it any better.  I got the great idea that I would move my stuff from my 6×6 storage unit up, and into my 10×10 unit.  All well and good…it went just fine until I was just about done…then I did something and my back let me know that it didn’t like what I did at all.  It will take a couple days I am sure to calm down, but right now it’s painful to do just about anything.  Never knew it could hurt your back to cough…!  I have some stuff to take, and well it helped for a while.  When I get off this watch I am on I’ll go take a couple more then try to get some sleep.  I was going to clean up my space today, but that didn’t happen.  Maybe before I jump ship in the morning I will get some things together and take the trash out…that’s the simple thing to do.  I can’t leave until after 0815…that’s an hour after duty section turn over.  Need to have the space looking alright for Tuesday though. 

Think I will go do a survey or two…More to follow I am sure…!


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December 7, 2003

alphabetically, you’re second.