
     We have been underway from Guam for going on 14 hours now, heading East, and on to Hawaii.  It is Sunday, and the day has been very quiet.  I really don’t know what to write about this time around…I just felt like putting something down.  I can’t say there are thoughts, because I have none right now.  I did go take a look outside, and well it’s a real sight to see.  There is no moon out, so it’s nothing but stars, and stars and more stars out there.  If you stay out long enough your eyes will adjust to the darkness, and you can make out more and more stars.  Then you can start to see where the water ends, and where the sky starts…you can see if there is any clouds in the sky…but again, the feeling of the waves, the rush of the wind…my nose isn’t working due to my cold, so I can’t smell anything.  It’s a pretty night to say the least.  Then again, most nights out of the gulf are nice nights.  I am glad to be back underway, heading in the right direction.  We will cross the inter-national date line on Tuesday.  So we will do that day twice.  So instead of being 13 to 14 hours ahead of everyone there in the states, we will be like 8 hours behind.  That of course depends on where you live in the states too.  I guess day light savings has ended now too.  Someone wrote me today, and reminded me to make sure I set my clocks back an hour.  That hole wonderful thing of getting one extra hour of sleep.  We shall do enough clock setting though after we hit that date line.  We lose hours until we hit it, and then add hours after we cross it.  Silly I know, but so goes the life.  I did watch the sixth game of the World Series…!  GO MARLINS…!  I’m not going to be one of those band wagon people, but still, a wild card team came up, and whipped up on the highest paid team in Baseball…!  That is far to good to not talk about.  A wild card team…that is just to good.  So even if the two teams I would have liked seen there didn’t make it, this was just as good, if not better. 


     I know this is short, but I am going to go lay down and read for a while.  Not sure if, or when I will sleep, since I have done a lot of that today.  But I will try…reading helps.  Or it use to, now it just seems to keep me up.  Guess the books I read are just to good to put down and sleep.  Anyway, I’ll be back to write more later.  Take care everyone…!

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Well the night you decribed sounds very relaxing and peaceful and it nice to see you finding some peace even if it is only for alittle while, you deserve that…HUGS

November 10, 2003

hi cutie i e-mailed u a whilke back but never got a reply from u. I guess the Carrier E-mail swallowed my E-mail to u. Oh well 🙁 Hope alls well *hugs tight* and hope to talk to u sometime 🙂 *MUAH*

November 25, 2003

reading can be fun what are u reading ?:) anything new lately ? or anything thats still needing to be finished soon ? 🙂