part 2 Saturday Oct 4th

Anyway, I don’t think I have put this in here yet, but my depression has come back, and it’s come back with a hell of a nasty bite.  No matter what I do, I am just so tired all the time now…and I hate that.  I do not want to laugh, I do not want to “chit chat” with people…I just want to sleep…!  And that doesn’t even help, because I wake up and I am even more tired than I was before I fell asleep…!  But I was sleeping earlier, and well I had this dream, and I really can’t explain it, but damn was it the weirdest dream I have ever had…To start off, I was back on the farm.  I am just going to say it was where I grew up, but I lived on a farm as a kid.  But there were things going on in the house that could not be explained…but we still stayed there.  Well this “thing” was in going all over the place, it looked like one of those dragons you see that people use in “China Town” when they have those parades and stuff.  Well the thing about this thing though, it was like six feet in the air, and it was black and white.  I dream in color…so yeah, that was even more weird.  Anyway, I end up “killing” this ghost dragon…and I really don’t remember how I did it, but I did.  Then all of a sudden there were rats and mice all over the place…!  They were coming out from the basement…just an endless swarm of them…it was unreal.  Then there were cats all over the place eating the mice and rats as the ran away.  Well we had to go down into the basement to see why all these rats and mice were down there.  One thing though, mice and rats do not live together.  They are the same “race” but they will not live together.  The mice will run the rats off…most of the time.  Yes, rats are bigger but they give into the mice.  Unless the rats over rule the mice.  Anyway, there were cats in the basement too…just having a blast with all this food…!  Well I took my flash light from my belt and was shining it down into the basement and it fell…I saw where it dropped, so it was no big deal…I went down got it and hit the switch to see what was going on down there.  The hole floor was just covered in mice, and all the corners were filled with rats.  When I swung my light around they would move out of the light…I don’t know how long I was down there, since in a dream there really isn’t a measurement of time.  But the vermin did thin out a lot…and well the cats were very, very full…!  Now here is where it got really strange…the guy that plays Lex on Smallville, well he comes down there, and is my “dad” and I have a younger brother…!  Yeah, talk about “what the hell…?”  We are walking around down there trying to figure all this out when on the floor of the basement there is all this crystal stuff.  Well it turns out to be some really needed stuff that we could sell to the factory right down the road…oh but it’s not done there yet people…not by a long shot…!  While we are still looking at what all is down there I see this support beam for the house that has been chewed on something big time…now there is this grey powder all around it…I ask what the heck is that, and it turns out to be cocaine…!  And I am talking like 12 to 14 bags…like half a cubic yard bags full of this stuff.  But one had been opened by the rats and mice.  Okay…so it’s like, what the hell do we do with this…?  Okay…it’s simple, we get rid of it, since none of us know how it got there.  Then…the young brother yells to us…Cops…the cops are coming…!  And sure as shit, here comes one, with a warrant in hand to search the place.  Lex, or who ever it was started talking to the Sheriff, trying to find out what was going on, and it was over tax evasion…!  So Lex tells the Sheriff to go call his attorney that lives where ever he said, and get back to him.  And that is about where I got woken up…So yeah…talk about strange…! 

 Well I will write more later.  I am going…well you know where I am going.  I’m going back to bed.  Laters, and your welcome back any time.  Just no rats, no mice and please…no drugs…!



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October 9, 2003

OKkkkkayy I am totally confused.. RICK ? Are you there babe ? When you get this just try and leave me notes to catch me up on your previous entries okie ? I read this entry and it was signed by “Jessie”..who is Jessie ? Dont worry Jessiee I dont want anything from Rick..;)

October 9, 2003

I’m Just a young lady who as a military man herself, but who’s also on a weightloss mission. 😉 Rick I’m not trying to cause any trouble just stopping by your OD occasionally since i love the way you write and your thoughts about your days at work stuck out there where you are (in the middle of no where) just amuse me and always seem to make me smile after a rough day 🙂

October 9, 2003

hope you can catch me up on all the things that you been up to Rick ? 🙂 hope your crew keeps you busy and entertained.. 🙂 PS: Rick let me know when you are on I been lookin for you on AIM and YAHOO and can’t seem to find you on here.. Must be the time difference.. *HUGS* 🙂