Saturday Oct 4th part 1

     Hello again everyone…I really need to get those books in that I ordered so I can not only write while here on the ship, but I can write stuff for FOD at that same time.  I didn’t think it would matter if I brought any of my books with me when I left back in March…but little did I know that I would really need them now.  I have written in a diary, and yes, I will use that word because I don’t want to sit here and hack out the word journal…a hell, I did anyway.  Thank you spell check…now go suck an egg for a while.  Anyway, I have written one for a while.  There for a while it was an every day thing, no matter what.  I was driving back from seeing someone one time, and I pulled off the inter-state to write.  And I’m talking at like 10:30 at night, since that was my “normal” time to write in the darn thing.  But I filled that book up, and started another one.  Stopped writing in it, and then started another new one…stopped again.  I think I did that like three times…I don’t know.  If my stuff didn’t get all messed up, the boxes that I had already packed and taped shut before I left, those books should still be together.  Only time will tell though…and once I am able to get into my locker and look at what all I have left.  But there is just something about writing for yourself…it’s not really to yourself, it’s just you.  Well me, but you get what I mean…and if you don’t, then don’t worry about it.  It’s not that big of a deal.  Really it’s not.  Okay, so your saying, Rick, why don’t you just use paper, any paper.  Well the thing is, a book is better because you can close a book.  You can’t close a tablet of paper.  And if you use a tablet, it will get all nasty…the first page will because all you will do is flip the page back, and then you will start to lose that first page, and it will go to the second page…and if you take the pages off before you go on, then you have to keep them somewhere.  It’s not a good thing to let a dairy just sit out, or a page come up missing.  We say things in them that other people should be reading.  That is why a book is the best thing to use.  You close it up, and that’s that.  Until you want to write more, or go back and read something that you wrote.  Now how many of us do go back and read our old stuff…?  I sure don’t.  Well after the book is full, and I happen to come across it in my cleaning, or whatever, I might open it and take a minute or to and look at the dates and times.  But I don’t go to far into it…don’t have time for that. 


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