Romance, Love and Sex Survey

1. Are you in love? No

2. Have you ever been in love? Yes

3. Are you sexually active? Yeap

4. Do you have a significant other? Only by law.

5. How well do love and sex go together? It can go very well toghether, but you need to not only be with someone, but you have to love them, and respect them. Making love is all night with that one person. Sex is like a quickie in the shower, or on the washing machine…

6. Would you ever give oral sex in a random hookup? Never had a random hook up, so who knows…

7. Do you even do random hookups? Haven’t yet…

8. Have you ever been a “slut” or a “player” in a serious manner? Nope

9. Do you use people? No

10. Been used? Oh yeah…

11. Do you believe in waiting until marriage to have sex? Nope

12. Have you ever had a crush on a friend’s girlfriend/boyfriend? Nope

13. Have you ever done anything with a friend’s girlfriend/boyfriend? Nope

14. Is it really better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all? All love is lost, so what does it matter…? It matters not.

15. Has anyone ever used a pick up line on you? Yeah…really, on me? Not hardly.

16. Do you like bad boys/girls? I like females…so it doesn’t matter to me. Guess that is part of my problem.

17. What’s your favorite toy(s) if u use them? I would have to see what my lady friend likes before I go any into any more details…

18. Have you ever had a crush on a teacher? Nope

19. Ever been hit on by a teacher? Nope

20. Do you joke about sex a lot? I’m a sailor…of course I do…! Gee’s

21. Can you relate anything to sex? Hell yes…!

22. When was the last time you got some? It was yesterday afternoon, and I should have saved the money.

23. Is there someone you’re longing to be with right this very second? Yeah…

24. So, what’s your ideal romantic date? A walk in a park…a nice picnic, soft music and a cool clear day…beside a pond with little turtles swimming around and fish, and frogs…

25. If you liked someone and they asked you out, but they didn’t believe in sex before marriage, would you dump them? No…if she is worth it, I would wait with her.

26. Does someone’s social status/reputation have an effect on whether you would say yes or no if they asked you out? Nope

27. Would you date someone who would be likely to get you in trouble? Sure…why not…?

28. Do you seek excitement in your love life? Of course…

29. What about masturbating, do you do it? Well duh…! Try going eight months without sex and see what you do…!

30. Ever been caught masturbating? Yeap

31. Ever been caught doing something sexual with someone? Yeap

32. Ever walked in on your parents having sex? No, I did hear them a time or two.

34. Would you/have you ever skinny dipped? Yes I have, and would again given the chance to.

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wow that pastel rainbow makes this look gay

yay no more rainbow!….i’m not commin to your damn diary anymore everytime i do i have to log in again…damn it! haha non gay entry now and i know you are not gay geeeeez

I liked this survey I might just borrow it….but not for OD…nice answers Quietpoetess