Sept 4th part1

The shot gun shoot that was done this morning went off very well…and it was very surprising…! No one got kicked off the line for messing up, and that is a good thing. I was certain that someone would be kicked off the line for not paying attention, but I guess everyone can listen for a few minutes, and do things the right way. It is really amazing just how deadly a shot gun can be…and when you are dealing with double “00” buck, it’s even worse. We are talking 9 pea size pellets packed into a shell, and fired down range. Not something you want to be standing in front of…I don’t know how many people shot…not really worried about counting, but we were out there shooting for 3 hours though. Started at 0830 and was done at 1130. Hot…oh hell it was hot out there today too. The cover alls I had on are still wet with sweat…and lets not even talk about my tee shirt or my socks…! My socks were soaked with sweet…! Nasty stuff man. Well not really…but still, my toes were wrinkled that is how bad I had been sweating.

Anyway…enough on that one…I had a question left for me in my notes…so let me get to that at this time. Here is a question? What’s the first thing you will do when you return to where you call home? I mean first very thing you go to do….Hope all is well! Good day to you! [Aragon] So lets say thank you to Aragon for asking me a question…When I get back to San Diego the first thing I will do depends on what time of the day I get there. After I get out of the airport and in my rental car, and if I have time the first thing I will do if I haven’t already gotten the phone number and address to an attorney that will help me with my divorce, I will go back to the guy that gave me a good contact that will help fathers with kids file for divorce and get that going. I know it’s going to take more than a day to do…but I want to get in contact with her, get things going, and get filed as soon as I can. I don’t want to be paying that “so called” anything else…ever again. That will be my first and for most thing that I will do…after that, I will get in touch with the case worker dealing with my kids, and work on seeing my kids for the first time in 9 months. I will also get an application back in with housing once I file for divorce, stating single father, three kids and one child as EFM. That is Exceptional Family Member. I don’t know if you know this, but my son was born three and a half months early…and he does have some problems stemming from that. He is doing a good job now working around them…he is talking, and now learning how to walk. I knew he could do it, he just needed the time with the right people to get it all done. It’s not that I wasn’t working with him, or that the day care lady wasn’t working with him, when I wasn’t there, nothing was getting done for him. She couldn’t, or wouldn’t do anything with him…so Ricky wasn’t getting anywhere. Now he is…since he is going to his therapy’s, he is doing much better. He is getting speech, physical and occupational therapy…! You go BOY…! The speech, well I am sure you can figure out what that is for…I hope you can. The physical therapy is to help him with his walking, and the occupational therapy is so he can get the right use out of his right hand and arm. See the little guy was born right arm first…it wasn’t his head that came out first, it was his right hand and arm. That did some damage, and well he had to work with that now…so he is getting help to make his arm and hand work better. When your 1 pound and 8.5 ounces at birth though…your really, really small. He was just 12 and a half inches long…! Now though, he is HUGE…! Or so I have been told. I wish I could see him walking now though…but I will soon enough. He was doing good at walking along the furniture and stuff before I left, but now I guess he is standing on his own, and even talking some steps. So we’ll see…I just hope there is pictures that I can look at, as my kids grew on me while I have been gone.

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