More about San Diego part 2

Now that I am pretty much homeless…I was going to stay here on the ship for a few months to save up some cash…get some bills paid off and so on and so forth. But now I don’t know if I want to do that. I am going to be paying for two storage units once my house is done with. So it’s like fuck it, why not just get a one bedroom for now…get my stuff out of one storage…move in and get things set up and then repack the other storage unit I have with the left over crap that I don’t need in my one bedroom. See the reason I came up with that idea is due to the fact that I am suppose to pay extra out of my pocket should I get my housing pay. And yes, I will get that. That my readers is an extra 1552 dollars a month in my check. I will be getting two payments of that before I get back to San Diego. And well there is also the month of November, but I will be back in Sad Diego by I hope the 3rd or so. I don’t know how much my plane ticket will cost me…I am going to rent a car for at least a week, and get a room in the Navy Lodge. I am sure I have talked about this before…but it’s all good. The problem about getting a place to stay though is that I will have to most likely pay first and last months rent…plus some security deposit. I use to rent a one bedroom for 500 dollars, but I don’t think I am going to get that lucky any more. But it’s like I will have all this shit I have to pay for when I get back. I don’t even have an idea what it’s going to cost me for that house to get fixed. I know I can get an attorney for my divorce for a 1000 dollars. For once…can’t something I want to do just go right…? Just once. The hardship that the in laws are in because of them taking the kids…yeah I am worried about that. But you know what, I am giving them money. I have been sending money, no questions asked…and when I do ask questions about the money it brings up more things against me. So what if I need to do things…? Is that the way it is going to be for me…? Because if so, you know what…fuck all this. It’s just not worth it any more. If I can’t find my Neon, I am going to have to get a different car…that is extra money out of my pocket. I would just buy one that is used from a private seller though. Give them some cash and drive away with the car…Did some looking on line while we were in Bahrain. But of course by the time I am in San Diego I am sure it will all be different cars for sell. Who would hold a car for three months if they want to sell it now…? I saw this really nice Mazda 626 though…I would like to have another one of those cars. I had a 1986 626, but I got rid of it for the Ford that I have now. Traded it in, and well…I should not have done that…but I did. The Ford is now all messed up. I think I said that before too…It’s funny how I can’t get my Neon reported as stolen since that slut crack whore bitch ass so called wife “lost” it. And now that she is in jail…there is still nothing I can do about it. I have to go to court, and claim both cars, and then the police can take actions on a report on the car once both cars are granted to me. It’s that some bull-shit or what…? I so hate the state of California. It’s a community property state…50/50 no matter what. Well I say fuck that…! I make the payments on the damn thing, I pay for the insurance…I use to pay for the gas and oil and all that other stuff. Rick really grumpy and pissed off right now. Can you tell…?

Anyway…more to follow later. Of course don’t think my mood is going to change either…I just need to get drunk…and well laid would be good to. But drunk would be really good right now. That way I can just forget the hole damn world, pass the hell out and not give a fuck…!


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