
2631. There was a sculpture that was supposed to be displayed for a week in the Rockefeller Center in NYC of a falling woman – designed as a memorial to those who jumped or fell to their death from the World Trade Center. It was complained about as grotesque, inappropriate and describe as ‘not art’

What do you think? Art is what we make, and if someone was moved enough to make something of a lady as she fell to her death than more power to that person. I do not think it as inappropriate, because the fact that there were two planes flown into the two greatest towers the world has ever knows was inappropriate.

It was taken down early because it was seen as ‘offensive’. What do you think about that? People need to grow up, and see what was done to our nation, and be thankful that it wasn’t them that had to know what it felt like to fall to your death, do die like some of those people had to die. Look at what happened, and feel for that lady that is a work of art, crafted by someone because they so felt the need to make that sculpture.

The artist, Fischl, said in a statement. “It was a sincere expression of deepest sympathy for the vulnerability of the human condition. Both specifically towards the victims of Sept. 11 and towards humanity in general.”

Are people just too sensitive? Or maybe people are NOT sensitive ENOUGH to the idea that others may have different views from them (or from the majority)?

See these different, opposing or offensive views be allowed to be expressed freely and openly?

Why or why not?

I am done trying to think this one out.

2632. What letter’s sound do you like the best? F

2633. What is one movie character you identify with and why? I don’t identify with any of them, because I am my own person. And there is no way some movie character could come close to who I am.

2634. Do you act the same when you are alone as you do when people are watching? I am who I am all the time…and that’s the way it is.

2635. Why is everyone so obsessed with superheroes? I’m not…

2636. What cliches do you hear over-used the most? None of them

2637. Do you handle inconveniences well? I deal with them as I have to. What else can I do…? It’s all part of life as we know it.

2638. Are you a fan of Jackie Chan? Yeah, I like his movies.

2639. Is a promise a big deal? Yes it is a huge deal

2640. What is your place in the universe? My kids

2641. Once some scientists dug up a woolly mammoth, frozen in ice. It was still completely whole, not rotted or fossilized. The scientists decided to have a dinner party. It was a very posh affair. they served roast woolly mammoth steaks, the rarest meat in all the world. So, if you were invited, would you have eaten it? No I would not eat it, nor would I go. That just doesn’t sound like something I would want to par take in.

2642. What are 3 things you DON’T want to know? You know, I really can’t think of three things I wouldn’t want to know. But I do think of something, I am sure I’m not going to come back and look for this question to change my answer.

2643. It seems to me that a lot of people don’t value their lives, or life in general very highly. Why do you suppose that is? I value my life…so I don’t know what you are talking about.

Are you like that? Not even close

2644. Do you celebrate the harvest moon? Nope

2645. Do you believe in out of body experiences? Nope

2646. Why does so much depend

upon a red wheel barrel?

glazed with rain water?

beside the white chickens?

I don’t understand some of your questions sometimes…but hey I guess you have to fill space some how.

2647. Why do so many people get jobs that they dislike? It’s a money thing, and when people need money, they do jobs they normally would not do. The hole idea of “Oh this is just a temp thing for me idea…”

2648. Do you think that in THIS world, being creative is a handicap? Nope

Why or why not? Nothing in life is a handicap.

2649. Do you ever get chills or shivers during movies? What movies? Nope

2650. Do you believe in the collective unconscious(that people are like onions…the outer layers are individualistic and the deeper you go the more similar we all are)? Nope

2651. Do you think that most people have the qualities you look for in friends/intimate relationships or do you feel alienated? Everyone has qualities when it comes to be friends and or intimate with them. You just have to know what you want with or from people.

2652. Are you very critical:

of others? Nope

of yourself? Nope

2653. Is there such a thing as expecting too much? Nope

2654. Would you rather take an hour lunch break or skip lunch and get out of work early? Skip lunch to get the hell home sooner…!

2655. Do you believe that happiness is equal to

fakeness? There is nothing happy about a fake person

shallowness? Being shallow is even worse

joy? Many different things bring joy into a life, but it is good to be happy and joyful at the same time.

something good that happens? Yes

an attitude you have inside no matter what happens? I try to keep this one going in me…because I am better off happy.

2656. Can you control your emotions? Yes I can

have you ever tried? Try and do…thank you very much.

2657. Imagine you are 34 weeks pregnant. You are healthy and you didn’t have any major problems in your pregnancy. Would you consider flying from the UK to Germany, which takes one hour, without a bad feeling that something could go wrong or the baby decides to come out earlier? If baby wanted to come early, then so be it…in flight or not. The plane can land somewhere…so it will be alright.

2658. How long do you think it would take you to jog a mile? About that fast…

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