
2601. Do you think cell phones cause cancer? Nope

Are cell phone users more likely to get into car accidents? With some people, yes they do.

Do cell phones really interfere with a plane’s navigation equipment? Nope

Are cell phones immune from computer viruses? Probably not, since you have wireless inter-net now. That is computer driven.

Can using a cell phone at a gas station spark a fire? I don’t think it can, but some people say they can. So lets do more studies. We need stupid people with cell phones, “here” to make free phone calls. That should work to get many test cases going.

2602. What makes a guy see a chick as less of a cute little girl and more of a woman? Many things but the way they act is a major factor in this, as well as looks, and the way she moves.

2603. What is it about football that makes people want to watch it? It’s a good sport to watch.

2604. What is the best show on tv? I have no idea any more. I haven’t seen any of my shows in five months now…

2605. Are you more of a tape dispenser or a stereo speaker and why? I am neither…

2606. What do you think is overrated? People that think they can stop the fighting in some country in the world, just because they “are who they are.” It takes more than a person to stop fighting. Like those people kill each other…it’s in the nature of humans to kill each other.

What is underrated? SEX, love and being happy with who you are.

2607. Can spiders ump?

Did you interpret that as ‘jump’ or ‘hump or ‘bump’ or other? Jump, and no they can’t.

2608. What’s the matter with adults today? To many adds

2609. Have you ever worked ‘off the books’? Nope

2610. Have you ever worked 9-5? Nope

If not do you think you ever will? Nope

2611. Do men or woman make better bosses? Sex of a person doesn’t matter when it comes to being a boss. You have to know your people, listen to your people, and work with them to make them feel like they are wanted there at the job. And anyone can do that…male or female, if they so chose to do so.

2612. Do you believe that people should move up through a company or that the higher up positions should be filled by people hired from outside the company? It helps to move people up threw the ranks of the company, but there has to be a time when you inject new blood into the company. That is why you need to look at what is best for the company.

2613. Why is it that no one seems to care about their job? Because people are lazy and to do a good job, you need to care about the job.

2614. When I go into a store, why doesn’t anyone know anything about what they are selling? They are given a product and told to sell it…and it doesn’t matter what it is they sell, they are just suppose to sell it.

2615. Have you ever seen those people that get that blank, lost expression when they go into a store and kinda shuffle along like zombies? Yeap, and I get that way from time to time when I go to the store. I do that a lot when I go to get food.

Do you wonder how they got up, dressed themselves, and made it to the store in the first place? Nope

2616. When did you/will you graduate college? I should, but I don’t know when.

2617. When will Eminem stop whining about his bad childhood and move on?? Most likely no, because that is how he is making his money.

2618. I am drug free. Are you drug free? No, because coffee is a drug.

2619. I have no tattoos or piercing. Do you? Yes I have one hole in my left ear.

2620. Can you REALLY say that your way is the right way? Nope, because it’s not that way all the time.

maybe there is a different way for everyone? There is, and that is what is so neat about humans.

2621. What do you think of the song ‘Imagine’? I don’t know if I have heard it, so I really don’t know.

2622. Can you think of any reason I might have written this, other than I am bored with too much time on my hands? No I can not think of any other reason than just what you said. But at least your honest.

2623. What is the purpose of art? To show beauty.

How about movies? To show action, passion, war, hate, love and many other things that make us human.

Music? To express words and feeling.

2624. Do you think that anything has lost it’s value because it’s become too ‘commercial’? Yes there is many things that have had that happen…

What? I can’t think of anything right now, but I might and could come back and write it here…you can never tell about me.

2625. Have you ever been promoted? Yes I have

fired? Nope

2626. What do you call your private area? My dick

Does it have a nickname? Yes I have an nick name of it.

2627. What parts of your body are shaved? Face and my privates.

2628. What is a peach clam? I have no idea

2629. What is the American dream? It is different for every person that lives in America. That is why we are the home of the free and the land of the brave. We are able to have a dream and try to live that dream. No matter what it is.

Is it the same as your dream? No it is not.

2630. Do you need to be right all the time? No I don’t.

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