
2476. Is ‘soul’ such an old fashioned word? Nope

Is ‘love’? Nope

2477. Name a person you love: Jessie

How do you love them? Let’s count the ways…1…2…3…Ha,ha,ha,ha,ha…! Count with me…!

2478. Does your place have a lawn gnome? Hell no

2479. Do you ever wonder, ‘why me’? No, because I know why


2480. Is rap a form of poetry? No, it’s a pain to the ears.

2481. What’s the difference between a player and a baller? I don’t even know what a baller is.

2482. What imagery do you get from the words ‘wood smoke and herbs’? A cook out on my grill.

2483. How many days until your birthday? I have no idea, and I really don’t feel like counting them either.

2484. Have you ever MEANT to hurt anyone? Yes I have

2485. What are 3 things you don’t know? Why farts smell more in a shower. Why does the world seem to be full of stupid people. Why are we stuck out here with no e-mail for going on three days…?

2486. Do you usually feel physically well or unwell? I feel very well.

2487. Would you ever submit your picture to be ‘rated’ on one of those ‘hot or not’ web sites? Nope, who wants to see another bald guy…?

2488. Why are there hardly ever any fat people in movies? No one wants to see fat people on a movie screen.

2489. Is there any difference between what’s real and what’s for sale? Everything is for sale, you just have to know the right price. So if it is real, then you can buy it for real.

2490. Are you funky? Nope

2491. Do apologies always make things all better? Nope

2492. Let’s just say that there is a huge ass bomb that can blow up the Whole Planet…it is set to blow up in 100 years. You can push the button to stop it but if you do you will die. You only have this one chance to stop it. Do you stop it? Yes I would push it…I have lived enough, but I hope people miss me when I am gone.

2493. Let’s say someone else found the button to stop it instead of you. Do you think it is their moral obligation to save humanity at the expense of their own life? I would hope they would be able to give up life to save the world. I just hope I know that they did it, to save me, and my kids.

2494. What’s the silliest name you can think of? No name is silly

2495. It’s the middle of the night and you are home alone. Someone knocks on the door and says their car broke down and asks to use your phone. What do you do? I would get my cordless phone, and go outside with them while they use the phone.

2496. If a cop pulled you over and asked if he could search your car what would you say? I would say yes…since I have nothing to hide.

2497. Are you meek or nasty around cops? I am respectful around cops, and everyone else should be too.

2498. If you were me and I was you then where would we be? I would be where ever you are, and you would be stuck here on this damn ship, here on this fucked up deployment, with no e-mail and nothing but three more months of time on your hands…that is where you would be.

2499. What has been the greatest invention so far? SEX TOYS…!

2500. We are at question 2500. Do you REALIZE what this MEANS??!!! Ah, what does that mean…?

2501. What image, scent, memory, etc. would you take with you into the dark/light, the land of dead, heaven, infinity…..? My kids

2502. Who is the most annoying musical artist EVER? I really don’t care…

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