A Teaser Update

I just wanted to say thank you for the notes on my last entry. I appreciate them.

I have decided that no matter how much I occupy my mind to keep Lady Love away from my thoughts, I will never be able to truly keep her away.

As much as I wish I was ready…as much as I deluded myself into thinking that I was ready to move on.

I am not. I still think about her every day and every day I still tell her that I love her. However, I do not actually tell her, I just whisper it to myself just before bed.

My Son and I had an amazing Christmas with our family. He was spoiled to much it was great. The look of joy and wonderment with his presents was phenomenal.


This was the first year that he truly understood what Christmas means to a child. Who Santa is.

~Forgetting who I believed to be, remembering who I am~

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