This is what I want.

I have been sitting in front of my computer for hours tonight trying to decide what to write. And then it occured to me, write about what I want. And there are a few things that I want. Here goes.

1. To get in better shape.
2, To find a girl that isn’t so set against making small changes for the better of our relationship. See next want to clarify small changes.
3. To find a girl that will tell me that she misses me when she does, that will tell me how she feels about me on a regular basis.
4. To finish the courses that I started after secondary school but did not finish because work was more important.
5. To find a job that I am not just content with, but a job that I almost love.
6. To learn not to over analyze things the way that I do.
7. To go for a hike along the tops of the mountains around my city. To see the city how the birds see it.
8. To actually become a morning person so that I am not late for work on a regular basis.
9. To actually learn to like running. I ike the way I feel after the run, resting against a tree, breathing hard, but I do not like actually running.
10. To travel with my Son and not have to worry about his mother stopping us.
11. To develope a deeper sense of confidence in myself.
12. I want to learn to be a boxer.
13. I want to open a resturant.
14. I want to go to New York City in the fall, I want to walk in Central Park with all the fall colors, holding the hand of a beautiful lady.
15. I want to go back to Las Vegas, I had a great time there on my last trip.

Just a few things that I want.

I could have spent the entry writting about Lady Love, or rather Former Lady Love, but that is not the mood that I am in.

~Only when we close out eyes to our deepest fears do we see that we never wanted.~
Rand al’Mawer, 2011

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This list sounds familiar, like my own, a female version though :). Still reading bits and pieces of your diary. Your thoughts are so nice and clear to read. Enjoying thank you.