Walk Away?

"Cut yur loses now."
Her tone wasn’t trying to be demeaing. Her tone wasn’t trying to be soft. It just was. Her eyes looked into mine as she spoke. I could almost feel in the air that she was correct.

I have been thinking over everything for the last few days…about how I thought I was the one that was to blame.

But I am not. I am not the only one that was in our relationship. There were two of us. The relastionship could only work if we both worked at it.

I tried. I tried harder in the last few weeks than I had in the last few months.

But at least I tried.

She claims that she tried also…but I know deep down, I knew deep down, that she was not trying as hard as she claims that she was.
Its a shame really, because, I think she would have been perfect to be a stepmother to my Son.

I put in  mix cd that a friend me the other night…the first song that came on was called Walk Away. It that a sign?

Should I just cut my loses now…and just walk away.

Just walk away. Do not turn around. Look to the future…a future without her in it.

~Sometimes walking away is the hardest thing to do, but it is for the best.~
Rand al’Mawer 2010

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