tommy 5.50
I just sent this link through as being my best entry.
I’m not saying its well written and i’m not saying it got the best reactions – but you know for me, little Tommy defines everything. It doesn’t matter how well you do, its the doing that counts. Even the guys who ran the races and won, the probably didn’t win the first ones they ran but they kept running until they got better.
You know, Tommy that day, he overcome something huge. He had courage. Enourmous courage.
I’ve been sitting here thinking that I haven’t been doing a grand job of blogging. There’s bee nothing really fun or meaningful or exciting about my blog. At one point my head was so numb and at another I was literally shaking with fatigue and probably nerve rot.
But. I’ve nearly made it! It is getting light outside and there was no way I was giving up, even when part of me cried out to do so. I wasn’t giving up because some of my favs went of their way to help me and to sponser me and without them, I wouldn’t have made it through.
So. Nuff said. no?