Calimero 21. 30

oops – just saw this was favs only!!   

Calimero – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


So – apparently its Japanese base on the Italian production that they watch here in French. If you get that then you are doing better than me.



Sean is watching some grotesque absolutely horribly creepy crawly miserable thing about spiders. Euuucchhhh

Big Fat creepy spiders that are catching fish and snake out of ponds. Euch.  And scorpions and legionary ants.

Oh yuk – and after that i’ve got to sit here all night on my own. aaahhhhhh

Creepy creep creepy crawwly climbing up the spout.
Creepy crawly on my shoulders that’s for sure.

Feel better for having had some food.

My dog has bad body odour today.  That is a nice way to say that she has farted incessantly from about 8am this morning and she stiiiinnnnkkkkkkssss.


Hmm. Bet you wanted to know that right? 

Funny  – since I stopped trying to write entries I can rattle off any old rubbish and am feeling relaxxeeeddd. Off to get some chocy – and avoird the goory spider pictures.

Hurry up time, I want to post this before  OD crashes. 🙂

Cos that has happened today already – and my laptop crashed too in the heat of one of the ‘oh my god 5 minutes left’ moments.

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Calimero! I was watching it when I was a little girl. I was two or three so I don’t remember the story, though. 🙂 – sudare/Japanese

July 29, 2007

Sorry, I hadn’t logged in.