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June 3, 2011

Know when to walk, know when to run 😉

June 3, 2011

I think not- but you never know.

Lol…of course you are not stupid. Its stupid to shed blood, tears, sweat and life over one woman whereas there are around 3 billions (or maybe 1 billion since you don’t fancy non-whites) in this world for you 🙂

June 3, 2011

Ah, sigh: that which may not, should not, might not be…

Ryn: agree with your answers. My advise to you : don’t stop, seek as many people as you can find, don’t commit because your heart turns tender at some point. Only do so when you are really ready…as in wanting to have a home together, kids, dogs, cats, mortgage, cars… I committed early (earlier than you are now) cos I wanted to excell in everything else, so a family became part ofthat fixture of stability. But when I have achieved almost everything now, there are a lot of “options”. So, its the matter of balancing how to achieve everything without sacrificing the stability.

June 4, 2011

RYN: The point? No, the point is: I like them. Wether other people “abhor” them (An extremely strong word when describing apparel) is irrelevant: I like them. Hence, I wear them. Problem?

June 4, 2011

Oh, and who might you be, that you miss hairstyles I haven’t had for years? I know you not…

June 4, 2011
June 5, 2011

Eye f*cking? That’s genius.