Depression Glass Appraiser anyone?

Anyone?  I have 2 crates of the stuff. I don’t love it. I don’t want to keep it. It was a wedding gift bequeathed to me by my aunt on her death bed 20 years ago. She collected everything. I mean everything. All of her 21 nieces and nephews were the “lucky” recipients of her collections upon her death. I need to find a reputable appraiser of Depression Glass. Maybe none of it is worth a penny but I’d at least like to know so I can sell it if possible. I will find a piece or 2 in the lot that I like and keep them as a remembrance of my bat-shit crazy aunt, rest her soul.

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June 8, 2018

If I had room, I’d love to take it off your hands. I love that stuff. But, alas….

June 8, 2018

Maybe craigs list?  If not google where this is sold and who can tell you what it’s worth?

I found this link..hope it’s a place near you.

June 12, 2018

@jaythesmartone Thank you! I think this is going to be a really helpful resource.

June 8, 2018

I don’t know enough to be an appraiser, but I do know that it’s not quite as valuable as it was a few years ago – a few years back people were crazy for it, and prices at estate sales could get pretty high. Good luck finding it a home!

June 8, 2018

the price of it has dropped quite a bit lately because this generation really is not interested in it 🙁  but maybe you can find a collector interested in it.

June 12, 2018

@kaliko this gen seems to not be interested in “collecting” anything. On the one had I get it – I don’t like to have a lot of “stuff”. It makes me kind of anxious. But on the other hand I fear that so much of our history is going to be lost with the lack of interest in preserving things that are so iconic to it.