Ren’s Bachelorette Party

Wow. What a weekend.

Um…so I know this was for my friend Ren…and I really enjoyed being able to hang out with her because I don’t get to see her often anymore since we don’t work together anymore…but wow. Never again. At least, never again in the fashion that said bachelorette party was thrown.

First was Ren’s bridal party. That was lovely…she was all dressed up and had her bachelorette sash on and we had presents and tea and everything was wonderful. In fact, everything was wonderful until later on that night.

Her actual bachelorette party was thrown in Chicago, about 3 or 4 hours away from where we started. The carpool was nice. Very scenic…I took a shit ton of pictures because I love taking pictures. I’m sure everyone around thought that I took too mayn pictures, and that may be true. I went back to look at all my pictures…and I will admit, some of them are bad, but some of them were really good too. I take a lot of pictures because I know I will get good pictures and bad pictures. Keep the goods ones, and delete the bad ones. With my 4GB memory card, I had well over 4,000 pictures to take, and I only took a small fraction of 4,000…like 200 or something like that. I guess I took a few videos too. Anyways, I digress.

The car ride was fun, although, like a lot of times in my sad and awkward life, I was struggling to find things to talk about. I’ve been so socially awkward lately, and it’s killing me because I’ve never had this problem before. I’ve usually been good about finding interesting things to talk about, and having a fun time, but in the car ride there, I was just feeling awkward and I felt like people thought I was weird, and it made me feel weird and uncomfortable…but I tried to ignore it and for the most part succeeded.

So, we get to Chicago. We stop at one of Ren’s friend’s houses to drop off our load, we were going to be sleeping over at this girl’s house. It’s a nice little place…really really really close to Wrigley’s Field! Like walking distance. It was awesome. But we got everything settled there, I recharged my camera, Got pampered and primped for Ren’s special night at the bars. So we all just hang out and rest for a while…and finally we go to get some food. Thank goodness we found a restaurant with vegetarian options on it! Yup, that’s right, I’m vegetarian now. And I have to say it is so awkward to be a vegetarian in a group of all meat-eaters. Not because everyone around me is eating meat…but because they always have to question why I’m a vegetarian…or try to tell me that eating meat is better for you…like I have some sort of eating disorder or something. I really could care less that people around me eat meat. Seriously. They’ll see how fun it is to have heart problems and cancer someday and I will be healthy and thanking myself for not eating meat products. But whatever, I got a veggie chili thing and drank a shit ton of water.

It was then that we decided to go to the first bar. Ren had a special bar deal where we had a no wait thing…we were going to go to three different bars that night…the first one would serve free champagne, the second one was free shots, and the third one was free drinks….I mean, not unlimited, but the first round was free. The first bar we went to was MaxBar. Oh the champagne. I am usually not a big fan, but whatever they gave us was pretty tasty. And of course it was free, so why not? So, we stayed there not very long…just long enough for the champagne and a little bit of dancing. Then we actually went to another bar which was not one of the three bars selected for us, but it was closeby. I think it was called The Apartment or something like that…but it was decorated pretty cool in that particular bar…there was a bed and all sorts of comfy chairs and couches and whatnot. I had a pineapple upside down martini there. My favorite 🙂

So we stayed there for a while, and then went to the next bar on our list…which was called Soiree, and that was the bar that gave away free shots. Since there wasn’t any room for us to sit, and we had been promised a no-wait, availability guarateed spot at this bar, they gave us two free rounds of shots as opposed to one. I totally forget what they gave us…I don’t think they even told us…but it was definitely girly and sugary. I think Ren classified it as a Watermelon Jolly Racher. At this point, things are still good and ok…but I’m beginning to get tired…but only a little tired, so I still think that I have it in me to go to what I thought was going to be one more bar. We ended up not even going to the third bar that served free drinks because it was out of the way…and we were using cabs to get around everywhere and people decided it was too expensive to keep getting cabs to take us everywhere. So we get a cab to take us from Soiree to a bar called Sluggers…a bar really close to Wrigley’s Field of course. This was the bar that I began to just want to go home. About an hour into arriving, I get REALLY REALLY REALLY tired. And my feet really hurt from my heel shoes. I am such an idiot…I knew I should have worn tennis shoes/sandals. Anything but high heels…but no, I wanted to look real classy for Ren’s party and I did a good job…I just killed my feet in the process. Anyways, someone bought Ren and us a round of a shot called a buttery nipple. It was quite excellent I must say, hahaha. It was like a mix of butterscotch scnapps and bailey’s irish cream. It was pretty damn tasty, I can’t lie.

Now, this particular bar, Sluggers, is by far my least favorite of all the bars we had gone to. Reasons being, it was not really Ren’s choice…it was Erin’s coice…the girl we were staying with, to go to this bar. Not necessarily to show Ren a good time, but to go and hook up with some other guy…when she already has a boyfriend. I mean, Ren had a good time in the process and I’m glad, but Erin was just being selfish and making out with this guy and cheating on her boyfriend and that’s just not cool. The bar was also ridiculously crowded, I mean, I expected that to some degree, but it’s nothing like any bar at Indianapolis…this bar was like…back to back with everyone…some people drunk that keep bumping into you and nearly knocking you down…there was one stupid guy that tried to stand on a table, and everyone was like telling him to get down and they helped to guide him down, and he fell and knocked into our table, and knocked all the drinks off the table…fortunately none of the drinks were ours. Anyways, Ren is about drunk by this point in time…she’s being silly and everything, which was fine by me. Then this Irish kid starts talking to me, but I can hardly understand him because he has a very strong accent which actually turned out to be an Irish accent. I directed him to Ren who has a lot of Irish in her ancestry, and I think she actually learned how to understand the Irish accent…I think she traveled to Ireland and picked up the accent…so they were talking for a while, but in the middle of their conversation, what do you know? That bar closes! And instead of just announcing over a loud speaker that they were closed, they started yelling at people and pushing people out and being ridiculously rude. I mean, I know it may be Chicago, but I’m sorry, it’s no excuse to be a fucking asshole. I mean, it really is! I realize that people are drunk, but I mean, if som

eone’s getting angry and pushing out a belligerent drunk, who’s to say that the belligerent person wouldn’t just knock the bouncer’s face to the ground? I mean, the Irish guy was visiting the states and whatnot, and they were like pushing him towards the wrong exit that he wanted to go out of…and the guy was like, "Ok, you’re either going to one exit or the other. It’s that fucking simple. Now choose an exit and get the hell out of here." The Irish guy was taking this so well too…I mean, if I were him, I would’ve copped an attitude back at the asshole and be like, "Look, we’re leaving ok? Get the fuck off my back, ass! I can walk on my own two feet, I’m not five, I don’t need an escort. So fuck off! See if I ever come back to your shitty ass bar!"

Moral of the story: You gotta give respec to earn it. I don’t care what city I’m in….be it from California to Maine…respect and rudeness are universal concepts. I guess in large cities, such as Chicago, respect is a hard concept. It’s really simple…if people need help out of the bar…then they can assist people one at a time and maybe even help them to a cab if necessary. You can yell for everyone to leave if it means that everyone will hear it…it’s not ok to yell it along with obscenities just to be a fucking ass. I might have been a little tipsy, but I in no way at all needed help…and when the bouncer like grabbed my arm and yanked me out, I was like, "I don’t need your fucking help! Don’t fucking touch me!" I just couldn’t help it, the guy was just being ridiculously rude and obnoxious. Not to mention it was raining outside at the time, so instead of being like, "Here you guys can wait in here in case you need rides ro cabs" and whatnot….it was more like, "Get the fuck out of our bar, I don’t care if you have to walk 12 blocks in the rain, I would rather you be drunk off your ass and wet than to spend 10 more minutes inside our bar." The nerve!

So on top of that, I had wanted to go home for a ridiculous long time, I was tired, I was tipsy, I didn’t want to put up with bullshit anymore. I mean, I know it was Ren’s party and everything, but at that point, I wanted her to just hang out with Erin and have fun and let me just go home, but they insisted I stay up longer to build up my endurance…like I needed it or anything, I only go out to bars when I’m with friends that I trust. I really don’t go that often. But, anyways, they were almost about to drag me to Erin’s affair’s house….the guy she was cheating on her boyfriend for…and if that would have happened, I probably would have just called myself a cab and gone back to her place…but they decided instead to go to another bar…and I didn’t want to, but they were insisting so I decided to. The last bar we went to was small and crowded, not very fun…same music I had heard at like all the other bars I went to. This one drunk guy thought I was crying…another one said I looked like a third wheel…one guy asked me if I wanted to smoke with him, and I just said no and walked right past him. Just for the record, I don’t smoke. Never have, never will. Drunk guys are just stupid and I hate it when random strangers just come up and talk to me…and I know most people would be like, "Well, then, don’t go to a bar." And trust me, that last bar was like the last place I wanted to be…I wanted to go home, read some of my book (at the moment "Blood of the Fold" by Terry Goodkind), and just go to sleep. But, I felt like I owed it to Ren to stick by her and make sure she was ok and such, I seemed to be the most sober of the three of us still out at the bars. This one guy was trying to spin both Ren and I at the same time…like an underarm turn…like ballroom dance only really drunk and awkwardly done. He spun Ren so fast this one time, he made her trip and fall on the ground and I think by that point Ren was starting to feel a little bad…Not like sick, but I think she was getting a headache or something…so she took an Advil or some sort of medicine like it. She was also FINALLY getting tired, so we only stayed at the bar for a short time before finding a cab to take us all home thank god. I ended up paying for the last cab trip, which I didn’t mind…I guess.

So finally I am home and I can rest my feet and read my book in the dark…thank god for my bright cell phone light. Oh and I had also brought my Temperpedic pillow with me, which was totally necessary to bring, I love it, and it is so comfy, and I slept really well in case anyone was wondering! We got back to the house at around 4am Chicago time…which was 5am Eastern Time in Indianapolis. Which is way past my bedtime…I mean, I have stayed up late before, and have never stayed up that late before. But I still like to read before I sleep so I think I managed to read like two pages worth, front and back on each page…managed to get my way to Chapter 12, and then passed out. I was so tired.

Maybe I’ll post pictures later, but I’ve been writing for a while, and believe it or not, I’m still tired!! So, there was my disastrous day yesterday, I know that no one will read through this long entry…I mainly put it out here to get out my frustrations…the reason why I am going to try to write more consistently in the first place. I’ve been feeling different lately…I’m a lot more easily aggitated at small things than before. I have no idea why, but I’ve been very quick to start arguments/fights etc. I shouldn’t get mad or annoyed by these things, but I just do. So, in an attempt to try to understand or work out my feelings, I am going to try to write more and hopes that it helps a little. We shall see.

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July 20, 2008

Wow sounds like you had an eventful weekend!!….Pity that Erin girl couldn’t keep her affair at bay for her friends Hen’s night…selfish indeed…actually the affair in general doesn’t paint her in a good light…if she wants to be with someone else that bad then break up with the boyfriend :)…hope you had fun regardless.

RYN: Oh, no problem. If it wasn’t for games, I’d be doing life for murder. I just KNOW it 😛