So… this figures.

Welcome to my life, ladies and gentlemen.  It’s not even officially summer yet, and I’m ALREADY BORED.

I’m sorry I was so distant this semester.  Something tells me this is going to be pretty typical for the rest of my teaching career. 

My students were wonderful, and I was really happy to see them when they came to campus to present their projects, even though one of them definitely plagiarized hers.  It was hard to give her such a bad grade, but so is life, I’m afraid.  This will probably happen to me a lot more in my career, and I’ve gotta learn how to deal with it now.

A lot has gone down in the last few months that I haven’t been updating.  And by that I mean I worked a lot, went out with Tiff and Audrey a bunch, spent some nice quality time with Nathan, got sick once or twice, grilled out with friends a lot, and essentially had myself a good time as often as possible.

I wish I had pictures of Nathan and me to show from the Player’s Banquet, cause we were hot 🙂  When I realized we had no pictures of our awesomeness, I snapped a few at home, but they’re not the best.  I’ll post them anyway.

I’m seriously keeping this mask forever.

This summer, I’m taking a class on Arthur Conan Doyle and Edgar Allan Poe called "Crime Fiction" and I’m PUMPED.  It’s going to be the most fun class I’ve had in a long time, I think.

Recently I’ve been on a bass playing kick again, and it’s making me happy.  I’ve taught myself a little bit of Moonlight Sonata and Linus and Lucy in the last couple of days, and it made me really proud of myself.  Even though I had to draw a little piano on top of my music and write down what the notes were so that I could figure out what I was doing.  I’ll get better.

I’ve already bought my season pass for Six Flags this summer, as well as a parking pass since I’m going more than twice for sure.  I’m gonna make this summer one of my favorites ever, if only because I don’t know if or when I’ll be able to have this much fun for a long time after this.

I just thought I’d actually post for once.  Hopefully, now that it’s summer, I’ll keep up a little bit better, but who knows with me.

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