Dear Lately,

You and I are only kind of friends right now, Lately.

I read a book for fun for the first (and probably only) time this semester all in one day today.  And that was nice.  I appreciate that from you.

However, it’s definitely worth noting that you’ve had a HORRIBLE effect on my students.

I don’t know what it is about you, Lately, but for some reason you seem to be making my students, whom I have very little control over most of the time since it’s an online discussion, really REALLY lazy.

Now, I understand it was their spring break last Wednesday through yesterday.  However, that does NOT excuse them for last Tuesday, OR the Tuesday before that.  Or yesterday, really, because they were given computer lab time TODAY to answer that which they should have yesterday.

Needless to say, I’m quite upset.  And, unlike normal people, I have very little control of my temper.  So when I say "I’m quite upset" it does mean that I was cursing violently (thank goodness Lent is over, there was $100 exactly in my jar at the end) about my students for a very good portion of the evening tonight.  Why write a follow up prompt for them to respond to tomorrow if they didn’t do the prompt it’s a FOLLOW UP TO?

Also, Lately, you seem to still be scaring the shit out of people with the continued bad economy.  Which really sucks, because once again the Stevens Point Area School District’s referendum didn’t pass.  The teacher I’m working with for practicum hours really didn’t want me there today because yesterday she had to put her dog down, today she found out that the referendum didn’t pass so she doesn’t know if she has a job next year or not, and tomorrow she’s going in to get a tumor removed.

The following is a list of things the referendum was for – just to MAINTAIN these, mind you, Lately:

• 8 teachers at SPASH (equals 40 courses for students)
• 6 junior high school teachers (equals 30 courses for students)
• 6 elementary school teachers
• 25% of regular educational assistant time
• Gifted & Talented resource teachers
• Elementary co-curricular activities
• Elementary band, chorus and orchestra
• Secondary co-curricular activities
• Funding for Other Post Employment Benefits (OPEB) fund
• Technology replacement budget
• 50% SPASH security position
• 60% Public Information Coordinator position
• 1 technology support position
• 4-K English Language Learner program

This referendum failed by LESS THAN TWO HUNDRED VOTES.  If one whole Bio 100 class here at UWSP walked over and voted yes, we could’ve SAVED THIS.

So yeah.  Thanks for giving me the time to read a book today, Lately.  I also really appreciate how the weather was last week, and even a little tonight (no matter how weird it is, I still love snow, even if it IS April).

However, I’m not terribly pleased with you either.

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April 8, 2010

i love how no education referendums can pass in this world anymore. Yay to being bumbling idiots for life! <3 ~