Ah, my old friend, procrastination.

Fridays really should be the bane of my existence.

I spend the whole week looking forward to Friday because I have nothing to do, so I can get all this homework done.  Then Friday comes and I do laundry, listen to music, and decide that TODAY is the day to update my OD!

I only have to make the semester’s lesson plan for my students, no big deal,  I’m only supposed to be done by like… Sunday.

I’ve been having a moderately happy time with my life.  Nathan bought me Beatles Rock Band for my birthday, which was probably the best thing I could’ve ever gotten from anyone.  I spent the night of my birthday out at Sugar Bar (pretty much the only bar I go to) attempting to be drunk for the first time in my life.

I succeeded.  And let me tell you, I’m an obnoxious drunk.  When I got home, I had a drastically larger vocabulary, and I was pretty determine to prove to Nathan I wasn’t drunk.  Only I blatantly refused to move because the world would continue moving after I stopped and it freaked me out.

My birthday was on mardi gras, and a few days into lent I realized that I seriously need to stop swearing so much.  I have students this semester, and I student teach in less than a year now.  I should really learn how to communicate with other people without relying on expletives.  So Nathan and I decided I have to put $1 in my new "swear jar" every time I swear throughout lent – the money will go to Nathan’s fireworks/firing system fund.  See how well I’m doing so far?

(Read As: Not very)

Note the $10 and the two $5’s (there’s a third, but you can’t see it very well, it’s right by the 10).  I had one particularly bad  day at work that cost me $15 just from that.  I swore 5 times while bowling with friends last night.  But the day before yesterday I didn’t swear once.  So I’m already doing better than last year when I tried.

I’m currently waiting for iTunes to download the audiobook of The Color Purple, only it seems to be struggling very much.  I want to re-read (listen) to it before I officially decide on the number of pages that will need to be read each week, so I wanna listen while I fold laundry right after this.  The students will have 6 "Forums" where I will assign them homework, so they will have 7 weeks total of working with me online, then they’ll come here to Point to present their final projects.  The book is about 300 pages long, so they’ll be reading about 50 pages a week… and if this wasn’t a class for junoirs and seniors, I would be really worried that that’s too much.  We’ll see.  If I don’t average that much, we won’t finish the book in time, and that’s no good.

I really need to get working on this stuff.  Even while procrastinating, it seems to be all I’m thinking about, so I may as well give in.


I’m really going to try to write more.  I kinda don’t like the way my life has been all work and no relaxation lately, so hopefully I can work on that.

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February 28, 2010

maybe you could make the first few weeks pages a little more so it is a little less reading at the end. that always makes me a little more excited to read something.

February 28, 2010

that jar looks strangely familiar…. ~

March 1, 2010

Ahhh, procrastination and I are such good friends I’m amazed we haven’t friended on facebook! RyN: You’re one of maybe two people to put together the Zim references. Invader Zim FTW! Thanks for your note. I’m glad to get feedback, especially from ‘new’ people.

March 2, 2010

RyN: I am very pleased when I hear someone who disagrees with me but reads what I say anyhow. In part, I desire to provoke a response so I can practice formulating my thoughts in an approachable manner. It seems I’m going through a bit of a ‘revival’ on atheism the last few weeks so I hope you keep reading.

March 3, 2010

You’re losing some money! I’m so foul mouthed like everyone I work with, we drop F-bombs all the time, but my Mom would have a fit if she ever heard me say it so I have to choose my words carefully when I visit, lol.

March 13, 2010

50 pages a week? That’s not too much. I easily give seventh graders 30-40 pages a week. Of course that from “The Outsiders” or something like that, but I still wouldn’t worry about 50 pages a week – they can handle it for sure.