Home for now.

It’s been a fun span of time.  Christmas was lovely with Nathan’s family, but bad weather kept us from driving from his parents’ house to my parents’ house.

I’m struggling so much to update you properly on my life.  I worked overnights over New Years, as I mentioned, and we’ve been spending a lot of time with Little Bill (Dan) and his roommates/friends.  It’s been fun, and I’ve actually been having a social life because of it.  I like it.

I was working at Figis, but they closed as of Saturday, so I now only work 1 job again.  Fine by me, really.  I’ve been knitting, and reading a TON over break, along with playing Zelda again, which is really nice too.  Break is about 2 more weeks, and I plan on taking full advantage of it.

Details of the last few months have obviously escaped me. The point is I’m happy and that I’m kinda keeping busy and NOT just with work.

Well, after missing out on celebrating Christmas with my family ON Christmas, I made sure I’d have a few days off to spend with them now.  I’ve been at home since about 4 this afternoon, and Isaiah was exceptionally cute for me.  As I was hitting the road, Mom called me on speakerphone with Isaiah as well, because he absolutely refused to take his nap until I came home and he got to play with me – only I was still a good 2 hours away.  He said to me "Nina, when are you coming over?" and when I told him 2 hours he said "Okay, see you in 2 hours!"  It was ADORABLE.

Once I got home he was still sleeping, but he woke up and just climbed all over me for a while.  He’s very…. eloquent now, he speaks very well for an almost-3-year-old.  He has managed to pick up a few of my mom’s quirky vocabulary, so he honest to goodness says "whoopsie daisy!" when things fall/go wrong, and "goodness gracious" about things that surprise him.  Not just repeating them after someone, but says them on his own.  I had to giggle a bit.

Natalie is coming home from Mexico on Wednesday afternoon, and then Wednesday night we’re exchanging gifts between the family.  So for the rest of tonight and tomorrow, I’m relaxing at home, reading and playing Zelda, since I brought that with me.  I didn’t bring my knitting with me because we had a minor falling out – I have to unravel quite a bit of the hat I was knitting and practically start over.  It’ll take time and patience and while I have plenty of the first, I was never really wealthy with the latter.

I do miss Nathan already.  It’s weird knowing I won’t see him again till Thursday afternoon/evening even.

Anyway, I’m gonna go spend some quality time with my parents.  G’night all 🙂

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