I’m gonna do it!


I worked a bunch between my last update and this one.  I mean, that’s 80% of the reason I never update – how much do you really wanna hear (and how much do I really want to remember) that I had to deal with some bratty kids, or that I got yelled at by a customer to the point of crying for the first time in over a year etc.  It’s just not really the part of my life that I want to document, you know?

But in the time I didn’t update, I also spent a LOT of money 🙂

We bought a used Xbox 360 for $180 and traded in 4 games and got 1 new one for them, so at the moment we’ve got Beautiful Katamari for it, and then we bought Fable II for Nathan.  I’m already failing at Beautiful Katamari (it’s the 3rd challenge thing and I’m already stuck), but Nathan’s enjoying his Fable, which is really all that matters anyway 😉

Sometime soon, I’d love to have Rock Band/Guitar Hero for the 360… just so I can have 3 different sets of video game guitar controllers.  But I have plans for those, as far as where to keep them… 😀

But, of course, since we have a 360 now… we thought it was about time for a fancy tv too.


We (meaning Nathan) spent about a week researching TVs, and we found a really nice LCD on sale at Best Buy.  It’s a 37" Toshiba, and it’s pretty fancy.  Nathan ordered 2 HDMI cables and a HD cable for the Wii online for $11 total (each one would be $20+ in a store) so we get shiny fancy video gaming as well 😀

Tiff, Audrey and I had a girls’ night last Tuesday night too.  We just went to a few different bars and chatted and had a few drinks.  Some extremely drunk people were trying to be friendly with us at the martini bar, and they ended up at the next bar we went to as well.  Watching them, and the lovely gay guy who was celebrating his 21st that night, was wonderful.  The bartender at that last bar did some fire breathing at one point too 🙂  Afterwards, I dropped Audrey off at her place and Tiff and I sat at my apartment, ate McDonald’s and talked till about 2.  It was fun, and I wanna do it again soon.

This past weekend was Vicki’s wedding, which was fun.  We ran around a lot and I got to be helpful and wear a pretty dress and see Vicki get married and it was awesome.  I want pictures ASAP, cause my camera was being lame all of the two days we were together.

In the time between the wedding and reception and such, I got to play with my family too.  It was Hilary’s birthday Sunday, so we had cake and I gave her a Starbucks gift card (which I think my mom gave her too) and Isaiah came and hugged me and said "I love you!  I missed you!"  It was kinda adorable.

Audrey’s moving today, and we might be going out tonight, since I don’t work till Wednesday.  If not, I’m all for just helping her unpack if she needs it.  I haven’t seen her since we had our girls’ night.

Sometime in the night my neck decided it didn’t love me anymore, so I’ve been rather immobile so far today.  When I woke up, I kinda whined for a bit, then Nathan brought me ibuprofin and a heating pad in bed because he is the world’s most amazing guy ever.  He sat in bed with me until he had to go to work.  I like him.

This means I’m not doing a whole lot today, so don’t expect the most interesting update tomorrow, if I do update 😉

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July 27, 2009

also hate the california milk commercials. hope you wanna go out tonight cuz i do! and i hope you like nathan, or that sure would make living together weird. =) ?

July 29, 2009

I am going out of town darlin until sat. 🙁