I’m up early for work.

I work at 9 and it’s 8.22, and I live about 5 minutes away from work… so I have time to kill.  As a matter of fact, I’m gonna have a lot of time to kill over the next 5 days or so.

I returned all of my textbooks on Thursday, so I beat the rush.  Since I only have one final to do and I already printed off the stuff I’m studying from, I really didn’t need any of my textbooks.

My sole final is on Wednesday morning at 8 am.  I don’t expect to do particularly well on it, but that’s because everything we read this test period was completely over my head.  But I’m an English major, and we are the absolute rulers of B.S.

I got to play with my Audrey yesterday šŸ™‚

After a kind of uneventful day at work (9am to 3pm is essentially how long I was there, and while it was steady, it was always just perfect for the number of people we had on, so I never felt busy), Nathan and I ran a couple of errands and then went to Audrey’s house so we could go to Belt’s together.  She’s borrowing a 3-year-old named Matty for the weekend, so we played with him for a while.  Evan had Audrey’s car at work, which had Matty’s car seat in it, so I ran to pick that up from him quickly before we headed off for some ice cream.

I got a cherry cheesecake flurrie šŸ™‚  We had to remind Audrey that she didn’t want a large, cause everything at Belt’s is HUGE, so even though you’re hungry and THINK you want a large, you really can still only eat a small.  She said later "You were right, I didn’t want a large…" as she just barely finished her brownie sundae.  It’s happened to me almost every time I’ve gone there.

Nathan and I came home, got food again (only this time, I was the one eating and he was the one not – when I got off of work, it was the other way around), and then watched TV/Hulu till I finally decided I needed to go to bed.

I had been super excited about having this weekend off.  I called my mom and told her I’d be home to see her for Mother’s Day.  Then that night (Monday) I came in to work and found out someone got fired, and could I please work Friday, Saturday and Sunday?  >.<

So I am.  And on that note, even though it’s only 8.34, I’m gonna get ready and go… maybe I’ll get some coffee on the way or something.

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May 9, 2009

lol.. “audrey is borrowing a three year old”

May 9, 2009

RYN: Thank you for the kind words… you see some couples last decades and of course that’s what everyone wants going into a relationship, but every time you see the strong ones dissolve… ugh… I’m actually surprised this is bothering me this much…

May 15, 2009

have fun on sat. hope it was as good as i had it. but its a weekend, so i doubt it šŸ˜› ~