I suppose that works.

I was so incredibly pumped when I saw the schedule for work on Friday and saw I had Friday through Sunday of this week OFF.  I mean, I asked for it, but I wasn’t expecting to actually GET it.

I even managed to get out of work at 4.30 on Saturday night, so Nathan and I made it to Menomonie in time to see the play at the high school, Into The Woods.  Karen was in the show, and Nathan’s dad was in the pit orchestra.  It was really good and I had a lot of fun.  We visited the Chelsea, John and Chris Wente after the show for a while, and bummed around Nathan’s house on Sunday until we came home, cause I didn’t work.

Unfortunately, in the time I was gone, some hardcore drama went down at work.  Someone went out to a party, got mind-numbingly drunk, and then didn’t come to work for her next 2 shifts.  She was even there on Saturday morning when Sally, our boss, gave everyone a big speech about how that won’t be tolerated, you can’t miss work just because you’re hung over, etc.

So she got fired today.

And I got pretty much all of her shifts from now through Sunday.  I originally worked today, Wednesday and Thursday.  Unfortunately, Avenue Q is on Wednesday, so I was already trying to get out of that.  Kim switched her shift tomorrow for mine on Wednesday with me though.  So now I work tomorrow, Thursday, Friday morning, Saturday morning and Sunday EARLY morning.

If I hadn’t called my mom this morning to tell her I’d be home for Mother’s Day, it probably wouldn’t be so bad, but I had to call her again at 7.30 tonight to tell her "just kidding."

On a side note, apparently Facebook thinks I’m getting engaged soon.  I wonder why that is?  Maybe because about 40% of my friends on Facebook are engaged?  Nah, couldn’t be.  It apparently thinks I need a "pre-engagement makeover" though.  I think I’ve done enough of a "makeover."

I’m going bowling tonight for the first time ina  seriously long time and I’m actually super pumped 🙂  If only Nathan would finish his paper…

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May 5, 2009

thanks >.< ~

May 6, 2009

I keep getting those creepy christian singles websites on my ads. I’m over it. <3