At least I know I’m a procrastinator.

I have a paper due on Thursday that has literally one sentence written on it. But I kinda don’t feel like working on it…. so I won’t.

Funny story about Saturday. My dad had to go to France on a business trip. His flight left at about 5.30 from O’Hare in Chicago, so he left our house around noon (Dad likes to be early – it only takes 2 and a half hours to get to Chicago from our house, maybe less).
At about 3, Mom gets a phone call from him saying that he forgot his laptop at home and he really really needs it this week so could she maybe just drive down to Chicago and bring it to him, like now, since she’ll barely make it before the flight?
So yeah. Mom took my car and went to Chicago and back that night.
I sat at home and ate ice cream and watched Twilight with Colie, Hilary and Rayanne. Which was fun, even though I definitely don’t want people to think I’m one of those crazies who bought the DVD at midnight and watched it at a party right after. I bought it at like 3 in the afternoon at Target because I could, and didn’t watch it till Hilary came home.

I got back to school around 2.30 on Sunday afternoon… after a lot of running around, getting my snow tires removed, getting an oil change, and re-loading the snow tires back into the basement.

Once I unloaded all of my stuff, I couldn’t find the Wii-motes. Turns out, after a phone call home, I left them there. Mom mailed them out yesterday, so I’ll probably have them tomorrowish.

I had a good night in with the boyfriend that night. Sparkling grape juice and cuddles, since the movie we rented skipped so we didn’t watch it. But I liked it šŸ™‚

Last night I had rehearsal, which was a little bit of bringing me up to speed on what important things I missed last week (essentially where I stand during big dance numbers), and even more trying on dresses.

Afterwards, Nathan, Jenna and I went to the grocery store and bought some tortellini and red sauce and garlic bread and Mike’s Hard Lemonades and made dinner and finally found a kind of alcohol that Nathan likes. Dinner was AWESOME, and we sat and watched Dancing with the Stars while we ate šŸ™‚

If rehearsal ends that early tonight, I might go play with Jenna again for a while. I need to stop at the mall possibly at least.
I’m gonna need so much stuff for my costume.

I have a hair appointment set!  It’s for Monday, April 6th in the early afternoon, and I’m SUPER pumped.  Apparently, the lady who is doing my hair is pretty confident we won’t have to do it twice – Sarah didn’t understand, only knew she said something about toner and how that’ll do the trick.  I don’t get it either, but I’ll go with it.

I just gotta get ready for whatever I’m going to do afterwards šŸ˜€

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March 25, 2009

As far as I know I am free all day