Survey cause I wanna.


1. Your last relationship = Define relationship. Either way, can’t say that much came of it, other than knowing the person a lot better and being a bit more wary of guys.

2. I am listening to = My laptop humming, thinking about turning on the Wii just to have the World of Goo soundtrack playing in the background.

3. Maybe I should = start working on at least one of the four papers I need to have written by the end of the week.

5. Chocolate is = not really what I’m in the mood for at the moment, actually.

6. I don’t understand = stupid people… especially the ones who protested the Day of Silence at Germantown this year.

7. I have lost my respect for = The Disney Channel (good one, Chelsea)

8. I last ate = some pizza. It was good, but maybe wasn’t all that wise.

9. The meaning of my display name= On Myspace? Uh… it’s my name. Manda.

11. Someday = I’ll own the next Phoenix Wright/Apollo Justice game 🙂

12. I will always remember = how cute Nathan was after the first time we kissed. Maybe that was too gooey for you, but it was the first thing I thought of 😛

13. Love = is a many splendid thing, love lifts us up where we belong, all you need is love.

14. My MySpace is = severely neglected… cause I really only use it to keep up with Suburban Legends and Ima Robot.

15. Today = I played the most boring game of Munchkin I’ve ever played.

16. Tomorrow = I’ll hopefully remember to have Eilene sign my sheet saying I did my practicum for Education.

17. I get annoyed = when people say that GLESN is partisan but a church website isn’t.

18. Parties = are fun but I haven’t been to one in a long time. I think the last one was Baking and Bowling over winter break.

20. Simple kisses = are better than almost anything.

21. Yesterday I = played a 2 hour game of Trivial Pursuit on the Wii with my dad, brother and sister-in-law that we didn’t even finish cause it was taking so long… but it was fun.

22. I wish = it could be mid/late summer already.


01. is your hair wet?: Not even a little.

02. is your cell phone right near you? In my pocket, as a matter of fact.

03. Do you miss someone?: Yes.

04. Are you wearing chap stick?: No, but if the need arises, I have one in my pocket, and another one in my coat, and another one in my backpack.

05. Are you tired?: A little, but not enough to go to bed yet.

06. Are you wearing pajamas? Not yet.

08. Are you mad?: No. Should I be?

09. Are you upset?: Nope.

01. recently done anything you regret?: Definitely not.

03. ever stuck gum under a desk? Actually I don’t think so.

04. Ever kicked someone?: Sure, once in a while.

05. Ever tripped over your own feet? If there’s a person in the world who’s never done that, I want you to introduce me to them cause they’re MAGICAL and I want to learn their witchcraft.

01. Have you cursed?: …. No! No, I haven’t!!! Whoo!!!!!

02. Have you gotten mad at someone?: I got mad at someone I’ve never met for something she did almost a year ago that I only heard about today.

Q: Is there a person who is on your mind right now?
A: A few.

Q: Do you have any siblings?
A: Brother, sister, and then a sister-in-law and a brother-in-law.

Q: Do you want children?
A: Undecided. Get back to me in 5-10 years.

Q: Do you smile often?
A: I think so.

Q: Do you untie your shoes every time you take them off?
A: I haven’t untied my Chucks in over a year.

Q: Do you like your handwriting?
A: Not in the least.

Q: Are your toenails painted?:
A: No, they haven’t been since Natalie’s wedding.

Q: Are you a friendly person?
A. I sure think so.

Q: Whose bed other than yours do you sleep in?
A: Nathan’s. Jen and Haakon’s spare the other weekend. Audrey’s couch the following night haha.

Q: What color shirt are you wearing?
A: Brown. It says "Don’t be trashy, Recycle" on it 🙂

Q: What were you doing at 2pm yesterday?
A: Watching high schoolers type up magazine articles in the library at school.

Q: What can you not wait for?
A: Summer and the apartment and it being summer.

Q: What’s bothering you right now?
A: The extreme desire not to do homework ever again.

Q: Will you kiss the last person you kissed again?
A: Well… I think it was Isiah, my nephew, so yeah, I’d assume so.

Q: Next time you will kiss someone?
A: Probably tomorrow, and the same kid haha.

Q: What do you wear to bed?
A: Almost inevitably pj pants and a tank top. Sometimes a big t-shirt instead. In summer, it’s sometimes just the t-shirt.

Q: Do you remember your dreams?
A: Not always, and not all of it, but often I remember at least a little, and sometimes the whole thing.

Q:What was the last text message you recieved? (Received* It’s "I before E except after C and when sounding like A as in Neighbor and Weigh… and you’ll always be wrong, no matter what you say!")
A: Nathan asking me how I was.

Q: What is the last movie you watched?
A: The Watchmen. I gagged a lot, especially when they sawed a guy’s arms off and actually showed it on the screen.

Q: What have you learned recently?
A: That I was Lindsey’s 300th friend on Facebook. Oh, you mean something real? That Ender’s Game is a really good book.

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