Welcome to my own personal Fail Boat.


Haven’t updated in… a week and a half?
Almost purely out of laziness, too.

I mean, I guess I can sum it up pretty quickly.  I had classes, rehearsal, and work, and most of those went pretty well.

I got an A on an essay I totally B.S.’d for my class on Jack Kerouac and Lawrence Ferlinghetti (a couple of authors from the "beat" generation in the 50s, one of whom, Kerouac, drives me absolutely insane and I hate him).  We were supposed to have some 200something page story of his read by yesterday, which made me laugh.  It takes me ages and a lot of skimming to get through his 5-20 page stories, there was no way I could read 200 of his pages in 2 days.  But, thankfully, this story is the ONE that he allowed editors to get at properly, so it’s actually readable.
Kerouac was an advocate of the "spontaneous prose" style of writing, which means you sit down, write as much as you can as fast as you can, and you don’t take anything out of it or anything like that, because that takes away what you, the author, were truly thinking while you wrote it.  Oh, and he didn’t believe in punctuation or paragraphs.

Now you can see why I kinda hate reading his work.  People who are really indy and artsy and into bull like that think it’s way cool, but I am definitely not one of those people, especially not when it comes to books and literature.

Rehearsal is off and on.  There are a lot of times when I wonder how Sarah, our director, can handle working with some of her students every semester.  A lot of them are REALLY ADD, and way too many of them whine about having to be at rehearsal, and "when can we go home" and crap like that.  But it’s been getting better.  And the last 2 or 3 music rehearsals have definitely made me feel better – we are starting to NAIL all of our whole-cast pieces.
During the big final piece of act 1, I have to like… be lifted off of a park bench by the guys and kinda "float" down to the ground… which is making me wonder how graceful these people really think I am.  I did it okay last night, but I wasn’t wearing heels like I will be during the show.
Also, Sarah seems to think I’m about 100 times skinnier than I really am – almost every costume she’s had me try on doesn’t even begin to zip up once it gets to my ribs.  There’s one I REALLY like for the end-ish of the second act, but there’s no way it’ll zip on me… so they’re putting a panel in the back so I can still wear it haha.

Work is… fine, I guess.  I only work twice a week and that’s cool with me.  I’m not making tons of money this way, but right now I don’t need a lot.  Over the summer I definitely will, but then I’ll be working practically full time anyway.

Nathan and I went out to dinner with Mike (from work) and his girlfriend Kristy on Sunday night and that was a lot of fun.  We went to the Texas Roadhouse and got steak and it was awesome.  Plus I really like Mike, and that was the first time I really met Kristy and I like her too, so it was sweet to actually hang out with them, since the only time I see Mike is at work.

You know what’s really sad?  I haven’t really played my DS properly since winter break.  There’s just nothing to play on it anymore (except for Tetris, which never gets old).

In better news, Audrey’s coming over in a little while and we’re going out for foods.  Which means I should probably get ready.

P.S. I gave up swearing for lent again, and you have no idea how many times I almost did just in this entry alone.

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March 9, 2009

I SAW YOU LOTS! YOU STAYED OVER! it was fun. I miss you big.