Survey off of Myspace.

Who was the last person to hear you sing?
My mom at church yesterday.

Have you ever kissed an ex after you broke up?
Yes I have.

Where is the person you gave your heart to?
In Menomonie, 4 hours away 🙁

Do you have a secret that less than three people know about?
I… don’t think so. I’m struggling to think of anything I have that counts as a "secret," and even what does just means my parents don’t know it.

Do you think your first love affects the way you go on with life?
Well… I think you’re somewhat changed and educated by every person you’re with. Probably most by the very first. So definitely.

Do you kiss a lot of people?
"Do" I, meaning present tense? No. Parents, nieces and nephew, and my Nathan.

Do you have a secret that you’ve never told ANYONE?
I don’t think so. If I do it wasn’t to keep it secret but because I never thought to mention it, so it probably doesn’t count.

Does it bother you when someone lies to you?
Well yeah, but I tend to get over it, more quickly than most and probably more quickly than I should.

Do you think you and your best friend will still be friends in 10 years?
Audrey, probably, Josie, probably, anyone else… it depends.

How long have you known your best friend?
Auds I’ve known for… oh geez, 10 years now? Audrey, we’re old… Josie… 5 years? I think.

Do you find guys with facial piercings attractive?
Not usually. Eyebrows is really the only thing I’ve ever been okay with.

Do you trust people easily?
Eh… depends on with what. Most things I trust people with very easily.

Your number two tells you they’re pregnant, you say:
How does Ima Robot get pregnant? (Man, I need to rearrange this thing)

What is the biggest secret you know about your 2nd top friend?
N/A. Never spoken with them.

Would you ever date the last person you kissed?
I might consider it. In fact, I have considered it, even DONE it, for the past two years.

Have you ever had a really big fight with a best friend?
Well duh. I’ve had big fights with a lot of friends. But, in almost all cases, we were reconciled and if we DID eventually stop being friends, it was due to drifting, not fighting.

Think a lot before you fall asleep
Yeah, but it’s not always a good idea, I’m a panicker.

Do you have empty bottles of alcohol hidden somewhere?
Yeah no.

Regret doing anything in the past week?

Have you ever kissed anyone whose name started with A?

Has someone smacked your butt in the past week?
No 🙁

What were you doing at 9:17 pm last night?
Sitting on my laptop Facebooking and talking online.

What holiday is closest to your birthday?
Valentine’s Day >.

Who is your 9th contact in your phone?

Have you had your birthday yet this year?
Nope, just over a month away.

How old will you be in five years?

Do you like being around a large group of friends, or two best friends?
Depends… but of late, two best friends.

What happened at 10:00 am today ?
I was at work, filling salt barrels just about to tak

e a break.

Congratulations! You just had a baby girl! What’s her name?
Pyralis Karen Freberg.

Congratulations! You just had a baby boy! What’s his name?
Melchizadek (Izzy) Dale Freberg.
(See, I use Nathan’s Dad’s name for the middle name so Nathan forgives me for naming our son Melchizadek)

Who did you last take a picture with?
Baby Naomi.

Ever been given roses?
… it’s been years. In fact… I think 4.

How’s your life going?
Pretty decently. I’m feeling optimistic.

Who did you last have a sleepover with?
Rayanne? Nathan? Probaby Nathan counts the most.

What color underwear are you wearing?

What does your last sent text message say?
I love you too.

Have you ever wrote someone a letter?
I used to write real letters a lot when we first moved out here… and I wrote a couple during college sofar.

Do you cuss a lot?
When I’m mad… or playing video games. Or when I’m with Tiff. But not as much as I used to.

Is there someone you will never forget?
There are a lot. Some for good reasons, some not.

Is there a girl that knows everything or mostly everything about you?
Probably. Maybe combining 2 or 3 girls would have all knowledge of me.

When’s the last time you laughed really hard?
Today, actually. Or yesterday watching Isaiah "dance.

Are you uncomfortable staring into someones eyes who likes you?
No. Unless it’s not Nathan. Then I’d just feel bad.

Is there anybody you just wish would fall off the planet?
Nope. Just not be around me as much.

Do you and your friends have code words for things?

Last time you held hands with someone?
Too long ago.

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January 12, 2009

I did not really know how to type back then. Well at least.

January 13, 2009

Emphasis on the Lette. The sandwich was really good. Plus I dipped it in Italian dressing. I will have to make you one sometime.

January 16, 2009