Ah the joys of being 16….

I’m SO glad I’m not emo anymore.

I just saw some girl’s user pic on the front page that was extremely emo, the title to her entry was "life fucking sucks" and the bit of her entry pretty much angsted about… well, the same bullshit I angsted about when I was 16.  Oh no, some boy doens’t like me, oh no, Vicki and I were mad at each other today for like 30 seconds, oh no, I have HOMEWORK, life is so hard!

I know I still get unnecessarily emo at times, and still over silly things ("I haven’t seen Nathan in half an hour!  All of my friends are out drinking and they didn’t ask me to go even though I would’ve said no!  People are having fun and I’m not there!"), but I like to think that it’s a) much less often and b) much less public.  Then again, they could be more public if I didn’t always start to write a ranty entry and then delete all of it cause it sounded stupid.

I’m finishing off my last weekend at home until spring break.  I did pretty much nothing but work, I didn’t go to Laudani’s ONCE (although I really should before I go) but I’m still pretty content.  I liked this time off (even if I was working full time) cause once I came home from work, I didn’t have to do anything.  I’ll pretty much never have this again – I have spring break, then the 2 weeks between the end of the semester and when I move into my apartment, and then I officially completely sell my soul to Perkins.


But since tomorrow’s Monday…  it’s bedime.  I hate waking up at 5 sometimes.

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January 11, 2009

You know I’ve never thought of myself as emo but i probably was back then too lol

January 11, 2009

hehe… We were all emo. I think that is why I deleted a lot of my old entries.

five? ew. i’m sorry. i’ll turn sixteen and july and hoorah, i get more angst i guess. but really, the entries like you were describing just make me sad for the female teenage situation.

January 11, 2009

I was just really bored and avoiding bedtime, and I looked through some of your old entries from 2004. I just have to say, your writing has gotten so much better. It is kind of awesome now 🙂 You also use less scroll thingies now… lol. Love you Manda Panda Pants.

January 12, 2009

lol.. I like to think I have too. miss you too manda panda pants