My cell phone is NOT cooperating with me.

I think my cell doesn’t like being home.  Cause it takes forever do do almost anything, and it has acutally died on me twice already (not that I can blame the phone for that, I haven’t really been charging it at all since I got home on Wednesday night).

There are a lot of adorable children in my house, so I haven’t been particularly tempted to even open my laptop of late.  Naomi hasn’t really left at all, and Rayanne and Isaiah already live here.  I’ve been actually really enjoying having everyone here, even though Isaiah wakes up ungodly early and is quite the chatterbug when he first wakes up, and Rayanne slept in my bed with me last night cause Natalie, Josue and Naomi took her futon in the living room.  Last time I let Rayanne sleep in the same bed as me, I woke up with her fingers up my nose.  This time, she was just pushing on my back, which isn’t NEARLY as uncomfortable.

Josue is growing on me a lot more now that he’s not as freaked out by my family.

I’ve also managed to kill my laptop twice since I’ve been here, cause I had it plugged into an outlet that was connected to the lightswitch in my room.  I don’t know if the battery will ever recover; it’s still all glowy and orange at me and it has been plugged in all day.

I so don’t want break to be over.  I think I reeeeeeally needed this.  LIke, I haven’t been that busy honestly, but being home and having no pressure on me to do anything at all… it’s nice.

Not that I don’t have homework I should be doing >.<

For example, those interviews I did back in… the middle of October?  I still haven’t written one of the articles.  And I really really need to.  Someone from the MREA e-mailed me today asking when I’d be done.

But I just have no motivation whatsoever.  I know that I’ll have little excuse not to once I finish my book (I’m re-reading the Twilight series after seeing the movie, and I’m plowing through them just like last time – I think I read about 250 pages before company showed up yesterday >.<), but I DID bring some of my Wii games so I could always just resort to Super Mario Galaxy tonight while Jason and Hilary are at their 10 year high school reunion.

But Rayanne and Isaiah aren’t here tonight… so it’s my best option.  Oh, that and I have to go back to school tomorrow, obviously.

I hope I work almost every day this week.  I have a choir concert on Thursday, but I really can’t afford not to work the other days. I have exaclty $125 to my name after getting my snow tires put on yesterday, and I still need gas before I come back to school.

I miss updating more often.  I just haven’t had the motivation – I’d much rather sit in the living room and read, even right now.  But I have homework.

And I guess I’ll go do it 🙁

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