
I pretty much epically fail at updating anymore.

I can’t use the "I work all the time" excuse too much, either, cause I only work about 4 days a week now (only about 25-30 hours – more than I want, but less than before by far).

I got a government position in my hall – I’m the hall journalist.  It means I go to hall programs, take pictures, and write about them either every other month or twice a month (don’t you just effing HATE how bi-monthly means both, so you NEVER KNOW WHAT THE DEAL IS?!?!)

I’m also applying to be a CA (again).  I’m already half-regretting applying, if only because I kinda really wanna live with the Nathan next year, but it’d still be good for me to do it, both for financial reasons and to buff up my resumee.  I sort of need that sort of stuff, because I think it’s STUPID to do volunteer service and things like that ONLY to put it on your resumee.  It’s skeezy, in my book; even if I did that sort of stuff, I wouldn’t put it on my resumee.  Which, of course, means I’m fucked the day I try to get a job.  But at least I’m not pretending to be ethical to make myself look good rather than because I actually care.

Nathan moved out of his old room on Thursday too.  He got into an empty room on the same floor with another one of the guys on the floor, Tweak.  I like Tweak a lot, and definitely more than I liked Nick.  Not that I particularly dislike Nick, but Tweak’s a lot more fun.  And yes, that is his name.  Cause I said so.

I finished Paper Towns by John Green about 15 minutes ago as well.  I pretty much loved it.  Same as every other John Green book I’ve read.  Some people said they cried – I didn’t, but I can see it happening.  It was more funny to me than sad.


I’m craving water.  Is that weird?  I think it might be.  I’m sitting here thinking to myself "I’m thirsty… I could really go for a nice, cold glass of water…."

Maybe I’m just retarded.

I wanna try to keep up this "seeing Audrey at least once a week" deal I’ve got going.  I see Tiff at lunch and in class two to four times a week, depending on a) how many times I feel like going to lunch at 12.15 when I have a 1 o’clock class, and b) how many times Tiff comes to class.  I see Nathan every day; he doesn’t really count, cause if I had any choice we’d literally be together 24/7 and I don’t care how creepy that sounds.  I make idle attempts to contact people, but really I just wanna see Audrey and Evan.  I like being around them.  I feel like if I had to pick only 1 person who I could see from college once I graduate (not counting Nathan), it’d be AudreyandEvan (since they are, essentially, one person).

Oh, and I finally get to watch Mythbusters tonight and properly enjoy it, cause every week before now I was either a) at Audrey’s watching Project Runway or b) sitting in Nathan’s room watching Mythbusters but being crabby cause I was missing Project Runway and it was either this or not be with Nathan, which, at the time, wasn’t okay because I worked every other day of the week.

(holy shit that was a long sentence…)

I needed to write an entry, if only to clear my head a little – I get way too into books, to the point where I’m not entirely self-aware when I finish, because I’m still so absorbed into the story.  I’m generally a little dizzy, and very spacy for a few hours.  But this helped a lot.

But my laundry is done now.  I leave you with a wise quote from Margo Roth Spiegelman:

"I’m a big believer in random capitalization.  The rules of capitalization are so unfair to the words in the middle."

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October 22, 2008

I miss you too. I get cranky not seeing my manda at least once a week. haha… we really are pretty much one person. That made me giggle love you

October 23, 2008

Hey. If the words in the middle are important enough, they’re capitalized! It’s just the average Joe’s that didn’t make it to the front that get pissy. <3