It’s been a week…

I wanna update… but I don’t wanna talk about too many details.

Last week was nice.  I worked less, I took an exam that SHOULD’VE kicked my ass and (as far as I can tell) didn’t, and managed to sneak my way into sleeping at Nathan’s a couple of weeknights. 🙂

Audrey’s birthday party was fuuuuun.  I made her coffee custard (which was, admittedly, a little gross,but I baked and that’s all that matters), and she made brownies (which I just realized I never even ate and that sucks cause they looked good) and we flew her shark kite that we (Nathan and I) got for her back around like… June.  More people showed up and the whole "Nathan and Jesse in the same room for an extended period of time" thing could’ve gone way WORSE, so I’m content, we got to walk to Belt’s on their second-to-last night open, played Apples to Apples, and then finally Nathan’s allergies caught up with him but we had a grand ole time anyway 😀

Then on Sunday, after I got out of work and was happily watching the Packer game, the power went out.  Through the entire campus.

It was fun.

First we ate dinner (cause conveniently Nathan’s tater tot casserole was pretty much done by the time the power went out), then we made our way to the better-lit outside and played frisbee while my dad text messaged me updates on the Packer game (it was about halftime when the power went out… Packers won 27-17, in case anyone was curious).  I mean, I suppose I didn’t play frisbee, I sat in a tree with Rebecca while the boys played frisbee, but whatever.

Then we walked to Gaming Generations/Kmart and putzed until it was dark… then sat in the dorms for about 10 minutes in the dark before the lights finally came back on.  It was awesome.

This week, I’m pretty busy.

Today I went to class and went bowling. Which was fun, even though my gimpy finger gets retarded after I bowl (I think I broke it when a friend’s brother slammed it in a car door, so it bends to the side a little, and so it doesn’t fit quite right in the holes for your fingers).  I failed, but not quite as terribly as I usually do.  but I think I’ll stick to Wii bowling anyway 😉

Tomorrow I have classes, then at 5 I have my interview with Pat Rothfuss, then at 6.30 I have to go to the government meeting so everyone can vote on whether or not I can be the hall journalist (I have no competition for this position, so hopefully I don’t get totally rejected).  Afterwards, I might finally do some Spanish homework… but I doubt it.

Wednesday I have classes, and somewhere around immediately therafter I have an interview with a guy named Mike White from the Midwest Renewable Energy Association at a bar called Guus downtown.  Which does make me a little nervous, if only because, well, I’m only 20 and I’ve never bothered trying to get into a bar before, so I don’t know if I’m allowed in….?  It’ll be like… 3.30 in the afternoon, so hopefully I’ll be good, since I already agreed to meet him there.

Then I work Thursday through Sunday.  Which sucks, because I wanted to see Nathan’s show, and this weekend is the last weekend.  Also, Nathan’s cousin Elijah’s baptism is this weekend, and since Nathan is the godfather, he sorta has to be there…. so I’m probably just giving him the car to take home on Saturday, since it’s not reasonable for me to expect to be able to get out of work.

I’d say I’d go to Nathan’s show on Saturday night, but if he’s not gonna be there then I kinda don’t want to.

I find out sometime this week or next if I got into the School of Ed or not.  So, essentially, I find out this week if I’m gonna just be an English major or not (which, if I am, might encourage me to finally throw in that music minor I’ve always wanted).

But we’ll see.

Halloween this year will be awesome.  Just thought you should know.  We’re working on our costumes, and pretty much you should be aware of the fact that we’re gonna be waaaaaaaaay cooler than you.  And if I get scheduled to work at Perkins that night, I totally get to wear my costume.

Maybe I should get to bed.

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October 14, 2008

usually you are allowed into bars, you just are not allowed to order from them. Its certain clubs that are weird about that

You could’ve always asked me to go to the show………..

October 17, 2008

Imissyou. <3

October 21, 2008

aww thanks. I know! Now he just needs a little wand and glasses.