I love fall.

It was so beautiful outside today.  I was, admittedly, inside for a vast majority of it, but I walked with Nathan to dinner at Hardee’s, and it was nice 🙂

Nathan officially won’t be free for more than 2 hours from about 5 to 7 every day for the rest of the week… including Thrusday, which is the day before the show opens, and our 1 year 11 month anniversary.
Not important per se, but it’d be nice to make up an excuse to have a nice night with my Nathan.

I still don’t know when I work this week; Sally finished the schedule while I was at work, but didn’t post it till I was done.  So I’ll find out tomorrow morning when I go in… at 8.  Meh.

I only made about $95 in tips today… which sounds impressive until I tell you that Will made $180.  But he was getting double/tripple sat like crazy all day.  I’m not exactly jealous.
Besides, I work 2 shifts tomorrow.  From 8-1.45 and from 4.45-7.  The second one is practically not worth mentioning though.  2 hours on Sunday dinner shift will make me no more than $30 I’m sure.

There’s like a Mythbusters marathon on or something.  It’s awesome.

I should be studying for my exam on Thursday… but I feel like I’m not gonna remember whatever I study today by Thursday afternoon.

My mom called me while I was at work today.  I didn’t answer, obviously, but I made sure to call her back as soon as I left.  I assumed she was calling about my tuition, which should be paid come Monday (it takes a couple of days to go thorugh, and now it’s the weekend so it won’t till tomorrow at the earliest), so I was fully expecting to have to re-explain to her that I did actually finally take care of it.

But that’s definitely not what she had to tell me.

Nope.  My older brother Jason and his family, Hilary, Rayanne and Isaiah, are moving into our house.  Jason and Hilary are living in the basement (Jason’s old room anyway), Isaiah gets Natalie’s old room and Rayanne gets – surprise, surprise – my room.

And this phone call was equally to give me a heads up on this, since they’ll probably be there through to at least spring, as well as to tell me that my closet at home is too cluttered so I have to get rid of things when I come home next.

*rolls eyes*

If my mom thinks I’m gonna have the time to come home for a weekend again anytime before Thanksgiving, she’s fooling herself.  I’ve even told her so directly.  I tried telling her to just give most of it away while I’m away and can’t trick myself into believing I’ll wear it again, but she doesn’t wanan do my dirty work, understandably.

She already hid my beautiful bookshelf I got for free from work over the summer in my closet.  That makes me sad and a half.

I hope this week gives me a bit more of a break.  I entertain the thought of quitting my job almost every day lately.  I wouldn’t mind working this many hours a week if I were only taking like… 2 classes.  Or… not in school at all.  But I’d really like to have at least one night a week where I got out of class at 2 or 3 and didn’t have to work.  After having Friday off… I’ve been spoiled.  I’d love that every week.

I hope Nathan gets out of rehersal earlier tonight.  He was supposed to get out at midnight last night… and the director talked so much that he didn’t get out till quarter after 2.  And this director is pretty infamous for ALWAYS being like this.

People stopped by… aweosme 🙂

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October 5, 2008

sounds like my house. ‘cept yours can fit everyone…. ~

October 5, 2008

I see. love you

October 17, 2008

oh goodness. All that people will make for crazy holidays =D might be really fun! <3