Why thank you, Perkins, I appreciate the rape.

Class/work schedule this week:

(worked an emergency overnight last night from 11-7 or so).

Spanish 10-11.
Choir 1-2.
Creative Writing 6.30-9.

Editing and Publishing 9-10.
Spanish 10-11.
Ethnic Lit 2-3.15.
Work 3.30-8 (10)

Spanish 10-11.
Choir 1-2.
Work 3-7 (9)

Editing and Publishing 9-10 (giving a presentation I haven’t researched or started or anything at all)
Spanish 10-11.
Choir 1-2.
Ethnic Lit 2-3.15.
Work 3.30-8 (10)

Friday: (best day of my week)
Editing and Publishing 9-10.
I asked off for Friday so I could go on a double date with Leanna, Scott and the Nathan.  So maybe I’ll do all of my homework THEN.

Work 8:45-2.30 (4)

Work 8-1.45 (3)
Work again 4.45-7 (9)

So um… yeah.  I get out relatively early most nights, but I don’t see how that justifies the fact that I told them no more than 20 hours and I’ve got 27 SCHEDULED hours, which meanst AT LEAST 33 actual working hours, if my sidework only takes me an hour every night, which it won’t, I’ll be somewhere closer to 38 hours.  Forgive me if I’m wrong, but it’s that like… almost a full time job?

There are 3 new people in training right now.  I hope to GOD that helps with this, cause this schedule has been the norm since I got back for the year; the only days I have off are the ones I specifically requested/have class (Mondays).  With the exceptoin of working twice on Sunday.  That’s never happened to me before, and is probably what put me over the edge.

I don’t know what makes them think that I can handle this.  I don’t know the last time I actually did homework.  And believe me, once we have an exam in Ethnic Lit, it’s gonna show.  Oh, and when I totally bomb this presentation on Thursday.

I don’t wanna quit, not by any means.  But less work sure would be nice.

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October 17, 2008

*is happy to not have THAT schedule* =x <3