I did it!

I like my Wii.  Just wanna throw that out there.

I’m also extremely proud of myself, because I officially turned in my applications to the School of Education (one to the actual School of Ed and one to the English department).  I’ll find out in a few weeks whether or not I got in.  Let’s keep our fingers crossed; I’m highly aware of the fact that my essay wasn’t exactly mind-blowing.

I gotted to see Audrey’s mommy yesterday 😀  I haven’t seen her in literally years (one and a half, I guess, but that’s a long time!) and it made me happy.  Audrey’s been keeping her mostly up-to-date on things, so she already knew about Natalie and such, but it was fun to talk to her about it anyway.

I need to get into contact with Pat about that interview… I work Tuesday through Friday night this week, but all those nights I’m the first person to get cut, so I shouldn’t work TOO late, which is nice.  But because of that, I can only interview Pat on like… Saturday morning, which will probably kill the poor man.  It seems he doesn’t have a sleep schedule so much as a bunch of sporadic naps.

I have choir in about a half an hour… but I locked the keys to my dorm in Nathan’s room this morning, so I can’t go back to my own room and do anything, and it’s not worth it to go steal his keys from him while he’s at work, get mine, return his, and go to my room in this little span of time.  So I’m waiting till after choir/lunch with Jaz.

I’m getting a little tired of working so much.  What’s really sad is, I’m pretty sure this is how it’s going to be all semester.  I mean, I’m pretty happy with the money I’m making (figure I make at LEAST $60 in tips a night on a bad night, working 4 or 5 nights a week… that’s $240-300 a week, if every night kinda sucks), but it’d be nice to see Nathan sometime other than when we’re about to go to sleep, or not have to do homework in the morning before class.

I’m so glad I always have Mondays off, though.  I mean, I’ve got my class from 6.30 to 9, but I only have Spanish from 10-11 and choir from 1-2 other than that, so I have a nice open day to do some chatching up.

I want to watch Gurren Lagann.  If you don’t know what that is, it’s okay, it just means you’re not a nerd.

I also haven’t watched Project Runway pretty much at all since I’ve been to school 🙁  It’s on at the same time as new Mythbusters, and since I’m always in Nathan’s room… well, you can guess which one gets turned on.  Maybe I’ll Hulu it this afternoon after lunch and getting my keys back….

It’s still only 12.36.  I need to find something to do.  Seriously.
I have my DS with me, though… so that’ll work.

I wonder what my away message says on AIM.  It occurs to me that I probably haven’t changed it since like… Friday?  I can’t remember now.

I think I’m gonna head to the NFAC and play my DS in the choir room until someone shows up.

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September 22, 2008

yeah.. sorry I talk to my mommy a lot so she knows a bunch of stuff 🙂

September 22, 2008

YOu should come over and watch project runway with me! I need just manda time somedays.

September 22, 2008

I miss us “watching” it together.

September 23, 2008

I love you manda.

September 27, 2008

I haven’t watched Project Runway since I moved out of my parent’s house =( a month. Wiiiiiii!!! Those things are addicting. <3