My new shoes :D

I feel like such a …. girl.


The flash, as usual, made them come out way lighter than they are, and the one without flash had the right color but was all blurry.  Like this.

So there you have it.  I wore them to Laudani’s and scared the poop out of Laudani and Eric.  I even walked around in them for a few hours.  I didn’t fall ONCE 😀

We went to Wal-Mart to get Eric a go phone cause his is totally dead and we wandered around for a while before heading to McDonald’s to get ice cream.  Took for freaking ever.  Then Laudani has the bright idea to go get a couple of double cheese burgers – oh, sorry, two double hamburgers with cheese (one less slice of cheese for 19 cents cheaper).  That took a good 15 mintues for those… and then we left.

We stopped  at Hollywood Video to pick out a movie and I talked Eric into getting Jeff Dunham’s Spark of Insanity 🙂  Mike Wagner bumped into us there and we talked to him for a while.


Anyway.  We headed back to Laudani’s and watched that while I sorta fell asleep… and once it was over I called my Nathan and headed home.

He dropped his iPod Touch down a waterfall today.  He retrieved it, but uh… well, iPods don’t like baths, it seems.  I feel really awful for him, cause that thing was like his brain.  He kept all of his appointments, his work schedule, our anniversaries (I bet that’s the only reason he ever remembered it before I did), plus all of his music and games and stuff on there, and that’s how he used the internet half the time…

We need to get him a new one, and STAT.

It’s getting late… I should really sleep eventually… but first… ME AND MY PURPLE LIFESTYLE!

Contacts, shirt and shoes 🙂

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August 15, 2008

Those are pretty awesome shoes =)

August 16, 2008

Mandas pretty. I love those shoes!

August 16, 2008

ooooo, I want!!!

August 16, 2008

you in heels is a scary thought, despite the purpleness ~

August 17, 2008

I know I am not. I just needed to have an Emo Rant. Im good now.

August 17, 2008

hellooooo nurse *makes catcall-type noises* awww..poor touch. Yay for hottness picturess!!! <3

August 18, 2008

since you already went and looked, i need the stuff you put in for registering, as in email and password. just leave me a private note or a message on facebook or something. ~