
It’s dark and dreary and foggy outside.
I’ve been at work for about an hour and a half and played Solitaire for the entire time so far.
I seriously want to go back to bed, and I have a feeling that if I had called in today, it wouldn’t have made a difference, because nothing is happening.

A water main broke under the sidewalk to the front entrance of our clinic yesterday afternoon..  Everyone in the department has been in a panic ever since, but it got fixed around 3 am and now everyone’s just got a lot of cleaning up to do.

But not Manda.  Manda has to sit inside and wait for people to call about a bathroom that needs to be cleaned or a swipe card that isn’t working (both situations get handled by someone else, I’m just the middle man).  Normally I’m the monkey who okay’s invoices to be paid, but I don’t have any to pay, and I don’t know if I’ll be getting any… and if I do, I might just leave them to do tomorrow.

I’m not saying I’m jealous of the people running around cleaning up mud from the front of the building, by any means.  I wouldn’t particularly enjoy that.  But at least they get to DO something.  I prefer working outside because a) a majority of my time is actually spent in transit from site to site, so I get video games/books finished much more quickly, b) If I got hungry or bored or something, the guys and I regularly would stop somewhere for food, one time we went to Kohls to get one of the guys shoes, little things like that can be done, and c) it’s not the same damn thing every day.  I wouldn’t want to stop working inside, but I wanna go back to every other day sorta thing.

I shouldn’t complain.  I don’t hate my job, not by a long run.  And that’s more than what most people can say, especially for a summer job.  I’m just ADD, and this isn’t helping that.

You know what’s really sad?  I can’t remember all of the words to Light My Candle.  But I didn’t think to sync my iPod to my lappy last night, so I still don’t really have Rent. *hits head* stupid, stupid, stupid!

14 days till I go back to school.  This time, 2 weeks from now, I will be waking up and beginning to load up my car so that I can leave by 10 so I can get there around 12 so I can be unpacked and ready to go to Audrey’s as soon as possible.
I should really start packing…

I’m buying purple plaid shoes today.  No one can stop me.  There’s also a pair of black fishnet shoes I wanna get too… so we’ll see how cheap they are.  And how much I’ll struggle to walk in them.  Cause if I’m gonna kill myself over it, maybe they’re not as necessary as the purple plaid ones.

Cause I need those ones.

It’s ridiculous what making money has been doing to me.  I would’ve felt no need to buy purple plaid shoes last summer (mind you, last summer I had no job and no money, so I really didn’t feel the need to buy anything at all), but here I am practically dying for them.  The only reason I didn’t buy them yesterday was because Natalie was over, and I’m spending as much time with her as I can before she has the baby.  Plus, Project Runway was on last night, and I wasn’t gonna risk missing that again.

Apparently, if I were going out with the guys today, we’d just be driving around checking at all the sites to make sure that everything’s clean.  That’s it.  It’s a lose-lose situation practically.  Except there at least we could stop places or I could read without feeling guilty or something.

Ugh… I just remembered the one time I was supposed to sing the song "Misty" with the jazz band senior year (was it senior year?  I don’t remember…).  I practiced with them once and never heard anything about it again.  I didn’t go to the concert, so it’s entirely possible they still did it either a) without a singer or b) with a different singer.  But all I know is I never did it.  I’m pretty sure I did absolutely wretchedly the one time I did practice with them… didn’t know when to come in, or what the hell measure we were on, or anything.  Mostly cause I can’t count, but also because it was hard to tell HOW they were counting.  I stink at that sort of thing.

Isn’t it sad that it still bugs me that they ended up possibly not even doing the song just cause I stunk at it?

I think I’m gonna play DS.  I need something else to do already.

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August 14, 2008

Oh yea! I remember you were supposed to sing with us, I don’t think we had another singer and idk why he didn’t have you do it, but I do remember the misty song. I hear you on the ADD thing. The kids are watching tv and I can’t just sit and watch it because either a.) I fall asleep or b.) am bored out of my mind. Good luck trying to keep yourself busy!! =)

August 14, 2008

so add. it’s funny. i am almost just as broke as i was before i got a job. almost. glad you’re coming in 2 weeks. it’s about time.

August 14, 2008

you have seen this dress.

August 14, 2008

Would you light my CANNNNDLLLLEEEEEE….? <3

August 15, 2008

*HUG* You’re so lovely. Are you going to post pics of you in the purple plaid shoes. I’d like them. I love fun clothing. *HUG*

August 15, 2008

NR: THanks. My mom had an amazing recovery. 🙂

August 15, 2008

Yeah, I really hope they make up for this by making it even better than it was going to be in november. Otherwise I’ll just be feeling a bit cheated.