I learned something today.

I would be really bad at a job where I worked out on my own, away from a supervisor for an extended period of time.

I work in the office instead of outside every day this week because Barb is on vacation, so I’m "the boss" for the week.  My uncle works in the same office, but he comes and goes a lot, so he’s not really around for long whenever he IS here.  Which means I’m in an office all by myself for 8.5 hours every day this week.

While I’m not doing TOO badly… I’m more putzy than usual when I’m not thinking "Oh man, is Barb gonna think it’s weird that I’m typing so much?"  I’ve checked Facebook more than usual.  I read all my webcomics early this morning.  This is why I at least shouldn’t be given a computer with internet on it.  I spent a good 15 minutes trying to decide if it was okay that one of the signs Barb just bought says "insure" instead of "ensure" (and I still don’t know).

All I have left for the day is to file already-paid invoices.  Tomorrow is going to be hell.

So I’m taking this free time to talk about my loverly weekend 🙂

Thursday morning I almost killed something.  I was planning on leaving for Nathan’s house immediately after work, so I had all of my stuff (my lunch for the day and a bag with clothes in it for the next day) loaded into the Purple Bubble at 5.40 in the morning.  I started the car, put on my seat belt and suddenly… it was quiet.  The Purple Bubble had turned off.  The radio was still going, but the engine had completely shut down.  I turned it back on just fine, drove it around, and then realized that might be a bad idea, came back home and shut it off again.

So I went in and woke up my parents freaking out cause the last thing I wanted was to be halfway to Nathan’s that afternoon and have it happen again.  I took the truck to work, proceeded to freak out about it the entire rest of the day, left work an hour early only to come home and have Dad tell me that as long as I promised not to use the A/C and to replace the spark plugs when I got there, I could take the Purple Bubble to Nathan’s.

So I did 🙂  (Except for not using the A/C, I did for a while till the Purple Bubble started lurching all over, then I shut it off).

4 hours later I was at Nathan’s and he and his dad fixed my car.  New spark plugs and spark plug wires.  Purple Bubble seems less angry now, and that makes life a shitton better.  After that we headed over to Chelsea’s house for a party celebrating my return ðŸ˜‰  We played Taboo, Fluxx, Apples to Apples and Twister before just sitting around and sharing awkward teenage years stories.

The next day Nathan and I headed back to my house and spent time with my family.  Natalie and Josue even came over for dinner.  Nathan, Rayanne and I played Mario Party after the rest of the family left, and Nathan acutally got to stay in my house (admittedly, I had to sleep in my mom’s room with her to ensure that no shenannigans would occur whiel she slept >.<).

Nathan, Rayanne and I went to Noah’s Ark on Saturday.  Aside from the sunburn on my shoulders right where my bra straps rest, it was awesome 😀

Taking him back yesterday sucked.  I don’t even want to get into it.  I hate leaving him, and I know it’s pathetic, especially since I’ll be seeing him at school in 2 weeks and 3 days, but dammit I don’t care.
By the way, Josie, thanks for calling me.  You actually stopped me from being all emo the whole way home.  I took way too many pictures considering the fact I was driving, but I didn’t die so we’re all good.

I got home at around 9.30 and fell asleep around 10.30… but somehow I’m still COMPLETELY exhausted today.  I was literally falling asleep while I worked until about 10 or 11, and even after that it was just LESS difficult to stay awake.

Next week Thursday I have a "Customer Care" training thing to go to… exactly 3 work days before I’m done for the summer, 1 week before I go back to school.  But if I do it, it’ll be really easy to start working again next summer if I’m here.  I think.  I want to work here next summer, cause it’s awesome money… but I also want to go to Mexico, and I also want to live with Nathan, and neither of those would really allow me to work here.

I’m still trying to decide if I should take winterim this year or not too.  Buh.  I hate that one of my required courses for my major is ONLY offered in winter and summer.  How ridiculous is that? I’m REQUIRED to take winterim or summer term at least once.  It makes me  want to punch a baby.

I should probably be working on my portfolio for getting into the School of Education too.  My application is due on September 22nd, and it’s mostly just supposed to be things I’ve already written for classes… but I have to write one "why do you want to be a teacher?" type essay AND try to find a professor who had me as a student who thinks I’m a good writer/teacher and will speak on my behalf.  I’ve had the head of the English department twice but uh… I haven’t exactly turned in my best writing to him, and while we get along great, I’ve always had a bit of an attitude with him, just as a joke, but I don’t want that to come up in my portfolio review.

I’d ask Pat Rothfuss to do it for me, cause I’m sure he’d be delighted, but I’ve never actually had him as a teacher, so he’s not "familiar with my writing."  How awesome would that be, though?  Having my favorite author speak on my behalf as far as my writing ability and inteligence goes… I think I’d explode out of excitement.

Buh… 45 minutes left of work and I think I’ve run out of stuff to say AND stuff to do.  Other than filing that stuff… and I was hoping to save it for tomorrow when I REALLY have nothing to do (there’s a reason I only work in here every other day – it’s cause there’s not quite enough work to keep me busy otherwise).

This could quite possibly be my longest entry (sans survey) all summer >.<

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August 11, 2008

not pathetic. totally understandable about not wanting to leave nate. glad your car didn’t die on the way there or back. and i would definitely take the winter class over the summer one, cuz when summer comes, you’re definitely gonna not want to do it.

August 12, 2008

gracious..you doing so much with school makes me feel like a slacker. =x =) <3

August 13, 2008

It wasn’t what I thought it was. The last time I had a purple cow it was a float. It was just the flavor. It was yum though I think it looks like both.

August 13, 2008

i wish i knew. itd be nice to know. and when were going, cuz id really prefer if it were noonish, so i can sleep, or else im gonna be all “meh i hate you all” by, like, 4… just remind whoevers going that me and carrie can buy tickets, for $27.50 instead of the craziness of, like, $50. ~

August 13, 2008
