Survey on my lunch break.

::One;; Have you ever dated a drummer?
I’m dating one right now 🙂
::Two;; Would you consider yourself a decent human being? 
Well… I don’t go around stomping on cute puppies or slapping hobos and nuns… so sure…
::Three;; Does your best friend have xanga? 
No, but I think Jesse has a Xanga… oh and I think Josie too!  So maybe?
::Four;; Name Somebody you know whose initials are a word? 
Erm… mine spell "AH" if you don’t include my middle name…
::Five;; Do you have a firearms license?
Haha.  Like I could pass that test.
::Six;; These are some questions about particular xanga users you must know..: Do you agree that Amy ( Of Morningsting_surveys ) should post some pictures of Arielle!?
::Seven;; What hair colour do you prefer on Jen ( Of Scenesexsurveys )?  
::Eight;; Isn’t Alexis ( Of Crisscross_surveys ) just about the nicest person you’ve ever talked to? 
::Nine;; Do you think Jen ( Of Omfglikewhoa_surveys ) should post more often?
::Ten;; Would you say that it is in someone’s best interest to fear you? 
Not really.  I’m not scary, just annoying.
::Eleven;; Favourite band/artist with eleven letters in the name?
Reel Big Fish
::Twelve;; Whose birthday is next? 
I was gonna say Abe’s but that pased… not Eric… not Josie… I have no idea. 
::Thirteen;; Are you related to any drug dealers?
I don’t think so…
::Fourteen;; How long did your last period last? 
4 days?  Why do you care?
::Fifteen;; Last thing you lost and then found again? 
My keys. 
::Sixteen;; Last song you listened to that was the title track?
Let’s Be Friends.
::Seventeen;; The song you’re listening to, how many stars did you rate it? 
Stuck at work, no musica. 
::Eighteen;; Last person you waved at? 
::Nineteen;; Last thing you used graph paper for?
Passing notes with Jesse in 8th grade.
::Twenty;; Exactly how old are you right now, down to the minute? 
20 years, 5 months, 8 days and about 4 hours (I only know I was born around 9 am sometime)
::Twenty-one;; How many showers have you had this week? 
Pft like I know. 2 or 3?  I shower every other day and I’m showering tonight. *shrugs*
::Twenty-two;; Which band/artist occurs most in your top 25 ( Check playlist )? 
Suburban Legends.  By a LOT.
::Twenty-three;; What is your boyfriend/crush’s favourite artist?
Erm… Demitri Martin?
::Twenty-four;; Fourth last picture on your camera is of what? 
I’m at work… the one on my phone is a little cut on my finger that bled all over the place.
::Twenty-five;; Which song is more annoying: ‘ I kissed a girl’ by Katy Perry, or ‘ See you again’ by Miley Cyrus?
Um… I haven’t heard the Miley Cyrus one, but I’m sure I wouldn’t like it… I thought the Katy Perry one was okay though… I wouldn’t pay for it by any means, but *shrugs*

::Twenty-six;; Have you ever eaten marijuana?
::Twenty-seven;; What is the brightness level on your iPod set to?
Whatever it was set to when it was made.  I haven’t touched it.
::Twenty-eight;; Whose birthday was last? 
ABE’S!  Ha, I got one!
::Twenty-nine;; What colour is your vibrator? 
::Thirty;; Who first introduced you to The Game? 
Like the Powerful Game that Reel Big Fish sings about?  No?  Then I have no idea what you’re talking about.
::Thirty-one;; What is something you remember your brother teaching you to do?
Not much… by the time I was old enough to remember the things he taught me, he was old enough to be too cool for kids.
::Thirty-two;; Do you have an MP4 player?
::Thirty-three;; What is your status and mood on myspace set to?
I’ve never even had either.  Like, I know I’m capable, but I’ve never started using them.
::Thirty-four;; Last colour Sharpie used? 
::Thirty-five;; What is your MSN name right now? 
Just ‘Amanda’ 
::Thirty-six;; How many people have touched you in your pants ( With any part of them)? 
Dude, you’re gross.  Let’s just stick to "more than I should have allowed."
::Thirty-seven;; Are you ‘beefy’?
Erm… no.
::Thirty-eight;; Last time you gagged and why? 
Yesterday and because I had a HUGE gulp of coffee way too fast. 
::Thirty-nine;; Last person you gave your e-mail or facebook or something to? 
…. I told my sister-in-law that I had a facebook like a week ago, does that count?
::Forty;; Your newest nickname? 
::Forty-one;; Newest addition to your group of co-workers? 
::Forty-two;; Last person you looked at through a mirror instead of directly, besides yourself?
Bill the courier yesterday. 
::Forty-three;; When you pray do you actually feel like anyone is listening to you?
::Forty-four;; How many xanga credits do you have? 
::Forty-five;; Are you more a coffee or tea drinker? 
Coffee 🙂
::Forty-six;; Closest nine letter word to you that is not on the computer screen? 
::Forty-seven;; Where are your favourite pair of shoes right now? 
On my feet.
::Forty-eight;; Last person you took a bus with, when, and where to/from? 
Nathan, and to/from Summerfest 🙂 
::Forty-nine;; Are you currently late for anything? 
Erm… my lunch break ended like 3 minutes ago, so I really quick clocked back in and came back to finish this lol.
::Fifty;; Do you ever feel like you try too hard?
Usually not hard enough.  I’m lazy, but at least I KNOW it…

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July 24, 2008

Not gonna lie… this survey kinda sucked oh.. and i have a Xenga but I never use it.

July 25, 2008

k well, im off sunday, and then wednesday…. so either of those days are kewl with me. otherwise, as of the 1st i ammoving to the falls, and into a much better place…. so on any days following (probably doing the most on the 3rd) there will be moving days, which youre always welcome to help with 🙂 otherwise once im there you can come there since it will be closer and such. ~

July 26, 2008

yup I have a xanga..the layout is “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” theme =) I haven’t touched it in ages. <3

July 27, 2008

no i should be able to do natalies baby shower. the plan is to do the moving on the 3rd, which means no six flags for me then. im hoping to go maybe, like, the 17th, when its $15 cheaper, and for anyone who comes with me will ALSO be only $27.50. so i need details on the baby shower. i will work that night, so i may not make it for the ENTIRE time, but ill definitely come for a bit. ~

July 27, 2008

1.) i have a xanga, but also don’t use it. 2.) twenty nine was tmi. but funny. 3.) the *more than i should have allowed* in the pants thing also made me laugh because of our last conversation.