Books make me giddy.

Still not finished 😀

Is that normal to be excited about?  I’m just proud of myself for doing things that aren’t eat and read (since I didn’t really sleep much over the weekend).  I’m starting to get pretty close though… and I’m trying to draw it out as much as possible without driving myself insane.

Although it’s making me miss the Nathan even more, if that’s even possible.  Like I wasn’t whiney enough, now I’m reading a book about a girl whose boyfriend is a vampire so he sneaks through her window every night and stays there while she sleeps.
I shouldn’t be so ridiculously jealous of a ficitonal character.

We got a bunch of stuff from my aunt’s house before she had a huge rummage sale today.
So now I have a bike!  And a drinking glass set (like 30 of them, it’s ridiculous), and bath towels, and possibly a kitchen table.  I think she thinks I’m moving out tomorrow or something.  But there’s nothing wrong with being prepared, I guess.  I mean, I am the only one left at home, even though I’m the middle child… *shrugs*  Soon.

… Still freaking out about the Praxis.
I mean, I’m not concerned about reading or writing still.  If I failed those parts, I’d give up my English major all together and switch to Comm.  But math?  How the hell do you even STUDY for it when you’re not in a class at that time?  When you don’t have notes to look at, or formulas to keep in mind?  OR A CALCULATOR?!  Frick, I’m terrified.

I wonder if I still have my notebooks from math in high school… not that IMP notes would do me any good, I suppose.

Gah, is it really 10?  I should go to bed, I even have to go to work a little early tomorrow >.<

Some summer, huh?

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June 10, 2008

one girl studied for math and it didn’t help at all. she bought a study guide from the website to practice for the next one. do i think you should even bother studying? no. because i doubt old notes would help.

June 11, 2008

yeah i should be able to. before or after? its exams, and i think carrie said they get done at, like, 2. ~

June 11, 2008

Go to the Gtown Library and check out praxis practice books. There are practice math probloems along with the formulas you have to know and other info that will make it much easier. I did this the second time and it helped a lot. Otherwise there are some online practice tests that are very similar to the real thing.

June 12, 2008

Hah. I get jealous of people who sit and b/tch about their significant other being around too much xD <3