I may be going slightly mad.

So Natalie is officially married now.

The ceremony was nice, albeit hectic.  We started really late and not everyone knew what was going on and it looked like it might be a mess, but it all went smoother than expected.

She already seems to be irritated with her living situation (at his house with all of his siblings, who are apparently all slobs).  They’re moving back here when she’s close to having the baby, but for now that’s where she’s staying.

WHY IS EVERYONE GETTING MARRIED RIGHT NOW?!  I feel like I can’t effing get away from it.  It doesn’t help that there is now a corner of my basement of left over crap from Natalie’s wedding that "maybe Amanda will use at hers!"

I’m NOT getting married yet, people.  Not for a long time.  I’m in school, and that’s really important to me.  I have too much crap to do in the next 2 or 3 years to try to plan a damn wedding on top of it.
Cause there’s no way I’m throwing together a wedding in less than a month like this one.


I’m doing everything in my power to be as lazy as possible over the next couple of days, because I start work on Tuesday and after that I have no idea what kind of "lazy" time I’m gonna have.  So the rest of today is devoted to a) waiting for Nathan to be done with his SCUBA test and call me and b) playing any video game I can get my hands on and possibly c) going to Laudani’s later tonight.  Thode said he could get us Panic at the Disco tickets for tonight, but I haven’t heard from him since, so I dunno if that’s still the plan.  I doubt it.

Oh hey, I got my grades in.
Pretty much straight B’s. I got an A in Creative Writing, and B’s in everything else (choir included lol).  Better than most college students, so I’m highly content.
Next year we’ll see if I’m so lucky.  I have history, which I always fail at, and Spanish with someone who ISN’T Señor Harris, so I’m not guaranteed an A, plus 3 moderately difficult English classes.

I’m hoping to do a study abroad next summer in Mexico.  9 weeks in Oaxaca taking classes on Mexican culture, with a week off in the middle to go to beaches and be lazy, worth 9 credits of Spanish.  I’d have my Spanish minor done in one year.  It’d be AWESOME.

I’m thinking it’s getting to be about time to go and play video games.  I don’t wanna have to think about school anymore until like… August.

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May 25, 2008

yay for breaks. 🙂

May 25, 2008

i start school tuesday and ended up working yesterday, today and tomorrow, so those days i thought i had of relaxation before school started, i didn’t. but that’s ok. still weirded out by the fact that she’s married. probly will be for a long time.

May 25, 2008

I still cannot believe that Natalie is married….

May 25, 2008

The only situation that you HAVE to plan a wedding in a month is if you’re knocked up. There’s a simple solution to that issue..don’t get knocked up. Its kinda tacky that your rents want to reuse shiz from your pregnant younger sister’s wedding Are they hinting at something?