Another Myspace survey

Where are you from?
I live in Hubertus at the moment…

How many candles were on your lasts birthday cake?

If you were a color, what color would you be?
Purple.  Because I’m obsessed.

Area Code?
262 at my house, 414 on my cell

Last 4 digits of your cell?

Favorite Beverage?
Water.  Maybe OJ.

Favorite alcholic beverage?

Whats one thing you wish you could change about yourself?
My sticky-outy ears?

Are you taken?
Very much so.

If yes, by who? If no, why not?
Nathan Alan.

Age for first kiss?
12 if we count Truth or Dare.  14 if we don’t.

What are you listening to right now?
The news.  Not really paying attention though.

What’s your scent?
Baby powder.

Whats your relationship with your parents like?
Closer than most people, but they don’t exactly know everything.

Mac or Pc?

Desktop or Laptop?

How do you know your #1 friend?
He’s my Nathan 🙂

Is your #2 a good friend?
Ima Robot?  I frickin wish.

Does #4 know alot about you?
Dan Wellner?  Yeah, I guess.  We haven’t talked in a while, but he’s still a good friend.

Do you have a kid(s), if so how many?, if not how many do you want?
No.  I’m thinking 2 or 3 someday.

Get along with your family?
As well as possible (really well with my immediate/Dad’s side, as well as can be expected with people I rarely see on Mom’s side).

Got any addictions?

Smoke or drink?
Neither.  Unless you’re counting coffee.

Your first car was a :
Erm…You could probably say a fancy pants 2000 Chrysler 300M.  But it wasn’t MINE.

Your first job was :
Aldo’s pizza cook when I was 16.

Straight, Bi, Gay, or Lesbian?

what’d you do on your 16th birthday?
Got dumped?  Had a party at my house though, that was fun 😀

Can you name all of your ex’s?
Uhhhm… Danny, Kiel, Justin, Jesse, Laudani, Thode, Brendan, Pat, Steve G, Anthony… I think… that’s it…

Are you friends with any of them?
A little more than half of them.

One word to decribe yourself ?

Aim, Yahoo, or msn?
AIM most of the time, MSN when I want to annoy people with Winks lol

Are you the heartbreaker or the heartbroken?
Erm… I think heartbroken.  I don’t think I’ve ever broken a heart.

Biggest fear?
Dying slow and painfully when I’m really old and senile.

Ever been suspended from school?

Best childhood memory?
Playing with Melissa, Natalie, Carol and Amy in our backyard on our swingset.

Ever done any drugs?
Sort of…?

If so, what have you done?
I tried pot once… meaning like, took 2 hits off of a joint and was like "well this is boring"

Ever been arrested?

Name one person you Really miss right now.

Nathan.  He’s too far away, and will be all summer.

Favorite kind of lip balm?
… plain old Chap-Stick.

Do you have small skinny handwriting or fat bold handwriting?
Fat, bold and messy.

Name a song that would perfectly describe your life as of right now :
Stellar by Incubus.

If president what would be the first thing you’d change?
I know one thing I’d do if I were MAGICAL and that’s make fuel cell cars available to everyone…

whats on your computer desk right now?
I don’t have one, I’m using my laptop on my lap.

Look around your room, the first thing you see that is blue, what is it?
My jeans.

Who do you live with?
Mom, Dad and Natalie.

What time is it?
6.00 pm exactly.

Clubs or bars?
Never really been to either, and I don’t drink so it makes it boring.

Whose your best friend?
Um… It would be "Who’s" for "who is" because "Whose" means "belonging to who"
And um… I’d honestly say Josie.  Or Nathan maybe.  Or Audrey.  Or Jaz.

Friend you’ve known the longest?
That I still talk to REGULARLY?  Audrey.

Last movie you watched?
National Treasure.

Favorite game?
Phoenix Wright; any.  Guitar Hero 2.  Paper Mario.  Mario Kart 64.
I need someone to play Nintendo with…

Who is that one person, no matter what you can tell anything to and you know they won’t judge you?

Remember your Kindergarden teachers name?
Mr. DuMez. (Pronounced Du-may)

Ever been out of state? Where?
Illinois, Mississippi (drove there, so if you count driving THROUGH places, a bunch more) and Florida.

What kind of jewelery do you wear?
Lots of rings usually, and two necklaces.  All silver/white gold/silver-looking.  Never ever yellow gold.

One place you wish to visit before you Die?
Europe and Mexico.

Whats your religion?
Roman Catholic.

What kind of sports are you into?
I like to WATCH football… I sorta suck at PLAYING sports.

Did you use napster when it first came out?
Actually no…

Flavor Flav, Bret Micheals, or Tila Tequila?
Frickin none of them.  It doesn’t work, as is displayed by the fact that they’re all on their second and third seasons.

Last thing you ate?
A crap ton of Goldfish 🙂

What do you want to be when you "grow up"?
A high school English teacher, or a writer.  Whatever 😉

Do you think your attractive?
Not even remotely.

Three facts about yourself, that no one knows?
If no one knows, there’s probably a reason for it…
I can try to think of something weird though…
Like… um…  I got nothing, I

‘m way too open or something.

Current myspace song?
Come Back Home by Suburban Legends…. I also have the Creeps Me Out video from Ima Robot on there.

Last fast food?
Uhm… Probably McDonald’s?

Do you think "living green" is going to save the world?
I think it could if people really did it.

Whos the last person you hugged?
Isaiah, I think.

What are you doing this weekend?
Natalie’s wedding.

Are you an outgoing person?
Probably annoyingly so.

Like meeting new people?
Very much so.

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May 22, 2008

that was hard to read with the tiny. but i did it anyway, cuz i’m awesome. and i’m pretty sure along the line you broke some hearts. or hard ons. =) you know you love me.

May 22, 2008

survey madness, starring Manda. haha. 😀

May 23, 2008

What are you doing this weekend? Natalie’s wedding. ummm…. what???? did i miss an entry or something?????? ~

May 23, 2008

OH and btw. if you get this tonight, tomorrow morning (sat) me and carrie and nicole are doing a davids bridal trip (11am appointment) so if you wanna come or something…. you are invited. just, like, text me or something (i gave you my new number, right?!? 4147128010) and let me know if youre free or whatever. k. bye. ~

ok, so i don’t know if i’m having the bon fire thing or not or when it is now. don’t worry about it. i’m kindof not looking forward to my birthday anyway. 🙁

May 24, 2008

Good luck with the wedding. For the record, I tell you more than I ever thought I’d tell anyone 🙂