Yes, in fact, I am that pathetic :)

Thank you for the notes 😀  I’m needy and I know it, but as long as my friends don’t hate me for it then I’m okay with it.

So anyway, I have very little to do until I start my job on Tuesday (possibly).

I didn’t completely unload my car until yesterday, but now that I have my room is one giant mess.  Kinda sad when you think about how immaculately clean it was before I got here >.<

My job this summer is "backup grounds keeper" which essentially means that I’m gonna spend 3 days a week pulling weeds and cutting grass and getting mondo-sunburned, and the other 2 will be spent inside doing random coding and paperwork.  I’m working full time and making a lot of money, which will be nice, since I sorta really need money.  I can’t wear earrings and I have to be up at 5.30 in the morning every day, but I think I can handle that for $10.32 an hour.  I’m starting Tuesday as long as all my drug tests are in and stuff, and if not then the following Wednesday.  An extra week of being lazy wouldn’t bother me too much, but I DO need the money.

I’ve been to Laudani’s house twice so far, and he wasn’t there either time.  I found that hilarious.  I gave Sandy her Mother’s Day present (an autographed copy of Name of the Wind) and got to hang out with Eric and Dan for a while.  It was pretty sweet.

I’m still anxiously awaiting grades at the moment, because I’m fairly certain that I failed my English 212 exam (the one that I lost my notebook for).  So I’m just hoping that a B average before that will be enough to keep my English GPA up high enough to still get into the School of Education.  I can ALMOST guarantee an A in 253 and a B in 213.  So… here’s hoping.  I did, however, manage a B in choir for missing it so much.  Which sorta sucks, because even if it was only for 1 credit, an A would’ve been a nice little helper to my GPA.  But that’s okay, it was worth the couple of extra hours spent sleeping at Nathan’s apartment all those Mondays I missed.

I’ve managed to see 2 movies in 2 days.  Iron Man on Friday with Mom and Dad, then Prince Caspian last night with Mom, Dad, Natalie and Josue.  Both were really good.  Not a whole lot more to say about it, other than I like spending time with my family, which is weird.

I’m honestly struggling to find things to write about.  My life isn’t really interesting, and probably won’t be for most of the summer.  But I’ll pretend.

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May 18, 2008

not bad on the movie front. 🙂

May 20, 2008

*HUG* I’m glad the grades were good. 🙂 You worked hard for them. All the best on the one that isn’t posted yet. NR: Thanks for the note. Things are grand, but enjoy your days before you start a career. 🙂 *HUG*

lol well at least you’re not a bitch about it. (I mean that nicely)

May 21, 2008

So um I’ve been home since jan and my room is still a trash heap. 530 wtf! No friggin way. I hated the first scene of ironman cause military boys got ambushed 🙁

Iron man was awesome, and that really sucks about having to be up so early for work. I have two jobs going this summer… full time at the country club and an internship at the art center. 🙂 YAY money!! Well i hope everything goes well with your job and your sisters wedding and the baby and such. Hey if you come on monday for my bday, you’ll get to meet charlotte!!